Chapter 9- Shelby's Return

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"Just get it over with quickly, please," Kendall murmured, shivering slightly.

"If that's what you want..." She felt a glimmer of hope as Prince Phillip spoke gently.

"...then I guess it's what you're not going to get." She felt her blood turn cold. It had been too much to hope for.

Kendall squeezed her eyes shut as she was yanked off the ground and thrown into a cluster of thorny bushes. She screeched as the thorns scraped her skin, leaving cuts on her arms and tore large holes in her jeans. She barely had time to catch a breath before the Graphite Ranger quickly charged up his Titanium Blaster and fired, catching her by surprise as the blast hit her in the chest, sending her flying backwards. Chase finally realized what was going on and dodged his next blast as he raced over to her.

"I'm so sorry," he sighed. "We never should have come."

"But they would have killed Shelby," Kendall pointed out. "Rather me than her. I'd rather die than become a murderer." She lay back on the ground.

"Kendall, get up!" Chase gasped frantically.

"Leave me alone," she murmured. "It's too much. Before now, I was hoping to live so I could stay with my friends, but now, I feel like I have nothing left to live for."

"But I do," the Black Ranger whispered. "I live for you. Don't give up."

"I can barely run, though. Remember I could die anyway with my Energem destroyed. I don't think I have much time left regardless of what they do to me."

"Here, I'll help you." Chase lifted Kendall into his arms and started to run.

"Hey, come back!" Prince Phillip roared. He and Koda chased after them as Chase tore through the trees, speeding up as the Rangers closed the gap behind him and they hit the streets. Kendall wrapped her arms around his neck as he kept going.

"Where are you g- going?" she stammered.

"I don't know, but we need to get away from here. You're in danger, we can't risk it. We can go to Shelby's house."

"Ow, be careful," Kendall groaned. "You're hurting me badly. Your hands are right where it is."

"I'm sorry," Chase replied. "But if you lose much more blood, you're going to lose every bit of energy you have."

She hissed in pain, her nails digging into Chase's shoulder. "I don't care. It- hurts- too much."

"I know, but you seriously need to stop. You know how much it hurts me to see you like this. And take your nails out of my shoulder!" he snarled.

"I'm sorry."

I know I love you, but I'm regretting carrying you all this way now.

The girl fell silent as they went on, still pursued by Koda and Prince Phillip. As Kendall got a glimpse of them, she glared at them and Koda shot a Dino Blast at her face. It whistled past Chase's shoulder, throwing him off balance and sending both of them to the ground. Chase immediately stood up and formed a protective shield in front of her, morphing and holding up his Para Chopper.

"I'll destroy you!" the Prince yelled, charging at Chase. He fired three blasts at him, which he all deflected. Unfortunately, the second the energy bolts were hurled into the air, they changed direction and headed towards Kendall. She clenched her teeth together as they all hit her back at the same time. It took all of her willpower not to scream, especially since it had hit her exposed wound, making her feel like her whole body was on fire.

"Kendall! Oh my God, are you okay?"

"No!" she wailed, memories of the last encounter with Riley flowing through her head, when Chase had accidentally injured her once again. "Why must this keep happening?"

Chase faced the Graphite Ranger again, anger surging through him. "How dare you hurt her!" he thundered.

His opponent laughed and fired his Dino Morpher again repeatedly. Chase deflected all of the blasts again, but realized the error of that when it once again hurtled straight towards Kendall. This time, there were too many for her to handle, so she did cry out as they hit her. But now, they exploded, surrounding her body in a cloud of smoke and fire.

"KENDALL!" The cloud soon vanished, leaving her limp form laying unmoving. "NO!"

Prince Phillip stepped back, admiring the scene in front of him triumphantly as Chase demorphed and thrust himself down beside Kendall, shaking her gently. The girl's skin was paler than fresh snow and the flesh on her back was burnt from where she had been hit multiple times. The bullet wound had stopped bleeding, but it looked as if it had been replaced by nothing but blistering burns and sores.

"I... this is just like the last time," he sighed. "How could I have done this?" Ivan and James had finally caught up with them and were staring at him in horror. Chase leaned over her, caressing her skin where the burns had appeared. Kendall's eyes shot open and she let out a pained gasp every time he touched her and slowly sat up.

"I can't believe this is happening." She winced as she spoke. "And where did she come from?" Kendall pointed into the distance, where Tyler was walking toward them, leading Shelby by the shoulders. Both of them halted when they saw Kendall and Chase, then darted in their direction. Shelby skidded to a stop beside them and gasped. "Miss Morgan!" Chase curved himself over her, shielding her protectively.

"Listen, Chase, I'm sorry for every single thing I did to her!" Shelby rasped desperately. "I was being controlled, I didn't have any dominance over my mind!"

"Well, guess what?" Chase growled, fueled by rage. "You destroyed her Energem!"

"I did?"

"Yes! You don't remember? SHE'S DYING!" he shouted. He scooped Kendall up and held her close to him as he stood up. "Prince Phillip, Koda, and Riley want her dead before then, but without her Energem, she'll perish!"

"Can anything help her?"

"We'll need the other 9 Energems. If we combine their powers, we can restore her Energem and her life force. We have 7 of them, but we still need Prince Phillip's and Koda's. But we don't need your help. You were the one who started all this."

"If I started this, then I want to end it. I promise, I'm no longer under Prince Phillip's control."

Chase considered her for a moment, then glanced down at Kendall's broken body with tears in his eyes. "Fine. Anything to help Kendall."

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