Chapter 24- Visit To Heartbreak

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Chase was as good as his word. The next day, he woke up before Tyler and Shelby at 6:30, got dressed, and barely ate a bite of breakfast before he took off for the hospital. It was a short walk, but to him, it felt like a hundred miles. By the time he got there, his fear had reached its peak. Worse yet, he later found out that Kendall was sicker than ever and it was doubtful that she could stay alive. However, the Black Ranger was still desperate to see her; he had to actually catch sight of how she was doing. As he followed a doctor down the hall, Chase felt a sharp sting in his chest. This nearly pushed him to a breaking point, as it seemed to be the signal that something severe was happening to Kendall.

The doctor then led him down a darker hall toward yet another door. Chase's heart began to beat faster as he saw a sign marked with the bright red word "EMERGENCY" above him. Was she really doing that badly? Then he remembered the many wounds he'd seen on her body before and grimaced slightly. He just wanted to believe it wasn't true.

"Here you are," Doctor Mason told him, stopping beside a door with a large warning sign on the front of it. "Room 317, Kendall Morgan. I have to warn you though..." His face grew serious. " not get your hopes up for her. We're doing everything we can, but she may not make it through this."

Chase forced himself to take a deep breath. "Thank you," he murmured, "for all you've done to keep her alive."

The doctor tilted his head to one side. "She seems really important to you," he commented. "Are you siblings?"


"Then it must be love."

"That's exactly it."

"I can keep you posted, but I do have some good and bad news to tell you right now."

Chase was immediately alert. "What's the good news?"

"The antibiotics we're using on her are starting to slow the infection inside her. Even though we may not be able to release her from the hospital for a while, they may slow it enough for her to begin holding her own for a while."

"Um... what about the bad news?"

"Listen... uh... what's your name?"

"Chase. Chase Randall."

"Listen, Chase," Mason whispered. "Even if she survives and the infection goes away, there's a very high chance that... she may never be able to walk again."

"A- are you sure?"

"I said that there's a chance, but it's true that it may happen. However, I have to say again that she might not stay alive."

"I just hope that she does. But is there a way you can make sure she does survive and is able to walk again?"

"It would require a lot of surgery and she needs to stay in the hospital for as long as it takes. She may be let out for certain periods of time, but any more injuries may kill or paralyze her forever."

"I understand."

"You may go in now." Dr. Mason slowly opened the door and let Chase in before entering himself and closing the entrance again as he turned on the light.


The wounds that had been plaguing her so much since Arcanon had attacked were clearly visible on her body underneath the see-through bandages. Kendall was laying motionless with her eyes closed on her side. Her hair was splayed out under her head and many tubes ran from her right arm into a vibrating machine at the side of her bed. Most of her body was laid bare, showing the clear, angry wound on her stomach. It was obvious that the infection had damaged more of her, as severe redness was stretching over her left leg and even with tightly closed eyes, the expression on her face was one of great pain. At Chase's gentle call, she shifted around slightly, but her eyes didn't open. Chase inched closer to her bed, slowly reaching out toward her. Kendall's skin was colder than ice, the slight rise and fall of her chest being all that told him she was alive. He gently rubbed her arm and she moaned.

"Careful," Mason warned. "There comes a few times when she can't breathe because she moves too much."


"You'll be sorry if you kill her by accident."

Chase glared at him before turning back to his love. It was killing him to see her like she was, but he couldn't leave her. Not when he knew what was really happening.

"Kendall, please wake up," he sighed.

Surprisingly, as if she had heard him, Kendall attempted to sit up and her eyelids flickered as she tried to open them and hardly succeeded.

"Chase, is that you?" she whispered in the most inaudible way. He calmly went and sat on the edge of the bed.

"How are you feeling?" he asked quietly.

"What does it look like?" she snapped. Then she softened up a bit. "Sorry, I've just been really moody since you brought me here." A scared look crossed her face as she laid her head in his lap.

"I'm okay with that." Chase slowly stroked her hair with the slightest care. "It's perfectly understandable. I know how much you're hurting right now."

A flash of relief crossed her beautiful features before it turned back into pain, a tear slipping down her cheek. "I'm glad that I saved you guys."

"I'm not, though," Chase sniffed. "Shelby would have been glad to die for you if she knew what you were going through."

"I know." Kendall shuddered. "But I would never have forgiven myself if I'd let her die. I know I was hard on her most of the time, but this was the chance to show her that I can be forgiven. You should have known I wouldn't stay back when you left to fight Arcanon."

Chase laughed. "Yeah, I should have known."

"You're finally-" The Black Ranger's grin faded as the girl in his arms began coughing, which didn't seem to be a big deal until the first tiny droplets, then slight groups of red started coming with it, forming into tiny pools of blood on the bed. She frantically tried to stop it herself, then just let it go as she began to choke on it.

"It's okay, Chase, she'll be fine." Mason quickly took action after her boyfriend rapidly lifted her back into the bed. The doctor quickly grabbed a syringe and a bottle from a table, then took the Ranger's place and held it up. This is where Chase couldn't bear to watch. Kendall was suffering so much and they couldn't do much about it. He had to leave, but he couldn't make his feet move.

It seemed like almost an hour before Kendall was able to be stabilized again. Chase bowed his head as he knelt down beside the bed again, gently taking his girlfriend's hand. She gulped and stared up at him with a frightened gaze.

"I'm going to avenge you," he proclaimed. "I'm going to rally the others and we're going to destroy Arcanon for what he did to you." He looked straight into her brown eyes. "Don't try to save anyone again. You'll kill yourself if you do. Promise me you won't come."

Kendall shook her head. "I can't make that promise." The fear disappeared from her eyes and she met Chase's look with an even one of her own. "I'll try to restrain myself, but there's no guarantee that I won't come. I can escape and I don't care if I die in that battle. You're my friends and I will not stand by and watch you get destroyed."

Power Rangers Dino Super Charge- BetrayedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora