Chapter 12- The Last Energems

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After the moment of silence, Ivan spoke up and pointed at the ground a few yards away from them. "Look!" he gasped. "It's them! They left the Graphite and Blue Energems!"

"What?" Everyone else turned to look and saw that it was indeed true. The Blue and Graphite Energems were laying abandoned on the ground in place of where their owners, Prince Phillip and Koda, had just fled from. Chase quickly left the circle and went over to them.

"We're definitely going to need these," he proclaimed, scooping them up and depositing them in his pocket as he returned to the group. "But how will we get the machine back from my house? It's too far to go. We can't hope to not get ambushed."

"But Kendall's dying!" Shelby protested. "We have to risk it."

"You're right," James agreed. "But she's bleeding too much. We can't move her."

"Then we'll have to go fetch it," Tyler pointed out.

"I'll go," Chase declared immediately. "Ivan, James, you come with me. We can climb out of the ravine."

As they headed off, Tyler slowly knelt down beside Shelby. "She'll be fine," he murmured.

He instantly knew it was the wrong thing to say. They stood up at the same time as she turned on him like a swarm of bees.

"Fine? Are you kidding me?" she spat angrily. "Did you see what they did to her? She's bleeding to death here and you're acting like everything is going to be just fine! Why don't I just let you murder her then and let it all be over? Better yet, why don't I? I almost did anyway, so let's just finish her because that's what you want!"

"Yes," they heard Riley hiss behind them. He had returned, but neither of them cared. Shelby picked the knife up that Prince Phillip had dropped and raised it above Kendall's mutilated body. She gasped, staring up at the Pink Ranger with a fearful glint in her clean eye.

"Shelby, don't!" Tyler quickly grabbed her arm, dislodging the knife from her hand and causing it to fall. Kendall screamed and rolled out of the way as it missed her and struck the ground hard.

"Shelby, if you do something like this, then you'll be just like you were when you were being mind-controlled by Prince Phillip!" the Red Ranger reminded her. "We don't want her to die."

Shelby sniffed, nodding as she leaned in against Tyler, staring down at the injured girl in front of her. Kendall finally let herself lay down on the soft ground, pressing one hand to her bleeding eye and the other to her chest. How much longer before this kills me?

Tyler pulled away from Shelby and stabilized the former Purple Ranger again. "Let's wait for Chase to get back. Just hang in there, Kendall Morgan."

Riley narrowed his eyes at them from behind them. "That's not likely to happen."

"What?" Shelby spun around and glared at him as she stepped in to guard Kendall from the Green Ranger. "Don't touch her!"

"I don't need to," Riley sneered. "She'll die on her own. The Prince did a good job with her." These words left Tyler and Shelby speechless and they stood frozen in their place as Riley maneuvered around them and sauntered over to Kendall, kicking her body viciously.

"You were never good for anything," he taunted her nastily. "I'm glad that you're in this position. We're finally done with business here." He kicked her again before traipsing away, leaving the three Rangers blinking back at him in shock.

Meanwhile, Chase, James, and Ivan were rushing down the streets toward Chase's house, quickly pursued by Prince Phillip and Koda. As they turned the corner, Koda overtook them and Ivan furiously punched him in the shoulder as he came around on his side. Koda snarled as he fell back, leaving only the Graphite Ranger following them. Prince Phillip was not much more successful. The Black Ranger's house had just come into view, so he darted in front of the group and into the house.

"Phillip, get back out here!" James roared. He led the Gold and Black Rangers back into the house and they raced upstairs after the Prince.

"Don't let him get to where the machine is!" Ivan yelled. "We need that to help Kendall and she'll die if we can't use this!"

Chase ran after the intruder and attacked him as he came out of one of the rooms. "You will not do a single bit of harm to Kendall anymore! GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!"

Prince Phillip's silver eyes flashed, but he obeyed Chase's enraged command and leapt over the rail before racing out the door. Chase rushed into the room next to the previously searched one and came out again with the small machine that could combine the powers of any needed Energems and 9 of them could restore the last one. Thankfully, it was one of the few inventions that had never needed to be plugged into an outlet.

"Finally!" Ivan sighed. "Now let's head back. We now have a way to get back into the ravine without hurting ourselves."

Then Chase felt a sharp pain in his heart. He knew that nothing was wrong with him, so he now realized where it was coming from. Kendall!

"Something's wrong with Kendall!" he shouted anxiously. "I can feel it."

"What is it?" Ivan asked.

"I don't know exactly, but it is severe. She is in critical danger right now."

"Let's go then!" James didn't know how Chase could feel what his girlfriend was feeling, but if she really was in a dangerous crisis, then they had to get there as soon as possible.

As they dashed out the door and hit the streets again, the Black Ranger flew ahead of all of them, clutching the special machine in his hands. Kendall needed his help and he had to get there fast.

Back at the ravine, Tyler and Shelby frantically tried to stop Kendall from exsanguinating, but it was almost a lost cause and they were giving up any hope that they could help her survive. Kendall thrashed around and cried out in pain as Shelby's nails dug into the wound on her chest.

"Shelby, get off of me!" she wailed, swiping at her aimlessly. Shelby drew back in surprise as she kept sobbing, placing both hands on her face and letting them get coated in red. At that moment, Chase quickly climbed down in the ravine, gently dropping the combining machine onto the ground. The Aqua and Gold Rangers followed suit.

"Come on, Kendall." James bent down beside her and forced her hands off her face, pinning them by her side. "Just cooperate with us and you'll be okay."

Chase pulled the Black, Pink, Silver, Graphite, Blue, Green, Red, Aqua, and Gold Energems out of his pocket and placed them into nine of the containers in the machine. The machine glowed as nine brightly colored lasers shot into the empty container in the middle of the circle of Energems. Chase reached down and lightly kissed her. "Hold on tight, my love. You'll be okay soon."

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