Chapter 37- Rebuilding Begins

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Tyler ran like his life depended on it as he weaved through the woods, holding his love tightly in his arms. Shelby moaned in pain every time he leaped over a root, but he honestly didn't care. It was her life that was depending on this. Whatever had broken inside of her was clearly hurting her really bad and he didn't know how much time it would give her.

"Shelby, just hold on," he kept murmuring to her. "We'll be back there soon."

Then, all of a sudden, a dark shape came flying out of nowhere toward him, slamming into him and knocking the breath out of him as both he and Shelby fell to the ground. What is that?

In an instant, he knew. The one villain they hadn't defeated. The only one who hadn't been destroyed when the ship crashed.


And there he was, sword raised, eyes glowing, hatred radiating off of him. He was stalking toward Shelby, who lay a few yards away from Tyler. She was only half-conscious and even if she hadn't been, she was unable to defend herself in any way. At least, that's how it looked.

"Leave her alone!" Tyler snarled. "Fight me!"

Snide glared at him as he got up and rushed over to Shelby, shielding her from the villain.

"Why should I?" he growled back. "The Pink Ranger is weakened enough to be at my mercy. Her Energem will be mine!"

"We don't even have our Energems! And besides, it isn't even a fair fight. Battle me instead!"

Laughing, Snide lowered his sword for a moment. "Oh, I will battle you. And then as soon as you are subdued or distracted, I will kill your precious pink girl here. Oh, how her screams of agony will be music to my ears before her heart stops forever. She'll be too weak to even lift a finger against me."

Hearing him talk about Shelby like that enraged Tyler. Without thinking, he charged at him, morphing on the way and lifting his Dino Blaster.

But Snide seemed to have grown stronger than ever since his last battle with the Rangers. Tyler morphed right before his opponent's sword slashed across his chest. Fortunately, he managed to hold on to his morph in time to dodge another blow.

I have to stay in front of Shelby, he realized quickly. If not, Snide could kill her easily. Without her, he felt like his life wouldn't have any more meaning to it.

Wait... I need to get her out of here.

But to his dismay, he noticed that while he had been getting out of Snide's way, Shelby had gotten to her feet, swaying as she tried to take a step. As she did, she grimaced in pain, clutching her stomach. She didn't hesitate and morphed, which seemed to give her more strength. But they both knew it wasn't enough.

"Too weak to even lift a finger, huh?" she challenged. "I'll show you who's weak."

Then a pink blur flashed through the air as Shelby charged at Snide, then made a flying leap toward him with her Dino Sword in hand. However, despite her great speed, he still knew where and when her blow was going to land. Right before she was about to hit him, he flew into a backflip and sliced his sword in an arc through the air, throwing a bright red 'rope of fire' at her. It wrapped around her waist, pulling her down to the ground and dissipating her morph. Shelby gasped as it quickly began to coil around her body, sending stabs of pain shooting through her. It was like it was actual fire and no matter what, she couldn't break free. Snide laughed as he watched her writhing in agony.

"Tyler!" she wailed as the laceration intensified. "Tyler, where are you?"

It tore the Red Ranger apart to see her like that and he sprang toward Snide, intent on destroying him and setting Shelby free. Eventually, he succeeded, but strangely, it didn't free his girlfriend. Heart racing, he scrambled over to her and carefully took out his Dino Sword again. It was the only thing he could use for it. With no hesitation, he clipped the ropes to pull them off of her... and then gasped.

The fire ropes had slashed deep into her skin, leaving many cuts that bled hard. Tyler was trying hard not to panic and now, with no Heckyl or Cameron around, he was only more determined to get to the hospital in time... or at least get to a place with decent cell service so he could call them as soon as he reached it.

"Just hold on, Shelby," he whispered to her as he lifted her into his arms and stood up. "We have to go."


"Where's Tyler?" Kendall groaned as she got enough breath to speak again.

"He took off with Shelby," Chase explained. "I think he was taking her to the hospital; she's hurt deeper than Cameron and Heckyl's powers can heal."

"That bad?" Mei stood up and limped over to the two of them with Ivan by her side. "Michaela must have really hated her more than Kendall."

"Who cares about Michaela anymore?" Kendall snapped. "She's dead. But right now we know Shelby's in pain, Mei can barely walk, Tyler's upset, and Cameron's exhausted." As she was speaking, Heckyl knelt down next to Cameron, rubbing her chest carefully.

"She'll be okay," he proclaimed. "This hadn't happened as many times before she joined the team, but it's fine."

"How long you and Cameron know each other?" Koda asked him.

"Many years. We were best friends until we gained our powers by accident. She wasn't thinking straight and blamed me for it, so we parted ways. But we made amends a while later... soon before Snide became a part of my life."

Then Chase's Dino-Com beeped. The Black Ranger pulled it out of his pocket and Tyler's face stared up at him.

"Guys, we were just attacked," he panted, "by Snide." He was bruised and looked as if he'd been fighting. "Shelby was wounded, but I destroyed him. I'm going to call the hospital now. She needs help."

"Call us right after," Kendall exclaimed.

"Will do."

After he hung up, Chase gently helped Kendall to her feet and steadied her. She threw her arms around him, shivering as she thought of Shelby's near-death accident with Cassandra. They both had gone through so much.

But so had the team.

So had them all.

Mei, Cameron, and Heckyl were part of the team now.

And if any trouble came to them again, they would fight it.


But first, they needed to make sure everything would be all right.

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