Chapter 3- Saving Kendall

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When they finally got back to the lab, Kendall seemed worse than before. The pieces of her shattered Energem lay on the floor beside the back wall and as they got closer to them, it felt to her as if lightning was flashing through her. Chase temporarily passed her into the hands of Ivan and got out the medical equipment that they had once used when Shelby and Koda had each been injured and nearly killed. The last piece was the small bed, which the Black Ranger had some difficulty getting into the center of the room. At Chase's command, Ivan stepped forward and gently laid Kendall down on the leather-like bed. Kendall hissed as pain rushed through her body and thrust a hand to her chest.

"Everyone else is back in the museum. Why did you return so early?" Ivan jumped as he and Chase heard Zenowing's voice behind them. He and Keeper stepped out from the shadows. "Even we went on a nice stroll in thee forest together. What have you guys been up to?"

"We were betrayed," Chase snapped. "Shelby, Prince Phillip, Koda, and Riley attacked Miss Morgan and I rescued her when she tried to escape them. When Tyler went to see if something was wrong with Shelby, she attacked him and it's like they're not even in their own mind. We just found out that her Energem's been shattered and she's in danger."

"The Dark Energem cursed the Purple Energem many years ago and forced it to connect with its owner's life force," Keeper said thoughtfully. "Now that the bond has been severed in an improper way, the only way to restore it is-"

"We know!" Ivan cut in. "We need to combine the powers of the other nine Energems to restore the Purple Energem. We already have the Pink, Aqua, Black, Red, and Gold Energems, but we have no idea where the Prince, Koda, or Riley are."

Keeper nodded. "Then get to searching. Zenowing and I will watch over Kendall." Zenowing nodded as he added his Silver Energem with the others in Chase's pocket.

Chase stood over the former Purple Ranger and grasped her hand gently. "Will you be okay here while I'm gone?"

Kendall nodded weakly. "I'll be fine here. Just go." She lay back and closed her eyes as Ivan and Chase exited the lab and the museum. Shelby had disappeared.

"Where should we look first?" Ivan asked. "Do we know where Tyler and his dad have gone?"

"They went to the woods. Let's cover the rest of the city."

The street seemed to grow longer as they trekked across it. They had decided to search for Riley first, so they started at the baseball stadium. Riley loved baseball, even when he might be possessed, so it would be the best place to start.

The baseball stadium was huge, but completely empty. Not a soul was in sight. They searched every inch of the stadium, but Riley was not there. Disappointed, they returned to the street. But even after checking the rest of the city, they still hadn't found any of the other Rangers.

Chase contacted Tyler. "Have you found Koda, Riley, or Prince Phillip yet?"

"We found Koda, but he escaped. Then he yelled at us before he left. Something about how he was never going to let us take anything from him. I'd assume he meant the Energem. Let's return to the lab and check on Miss Morgan. Any luck with you?"

"No luck. Let's go." Chase broke into a run back towards the museum. Ivan followed at top speed as they made their way back to the museum, upset by their lack of progress. But as the four Rangers met up at the door to the museum, Tyler had a feeling that something was wrong. The secret lab was completely exposed.

"Do you have a bad feeling about what's happening?" James asked, voicing Tyler's fears as the door opened to let them into the museum.

"Yeah. One of us should have stayed behind," Chase agreed. "Come on." They rushed through the exhibits until the arrived at the elevator that led to their secret lab. Then they stepped in and let it take them down.

But when they stepped inside the lab, the sight in front of them made them freeze in shock. Part of the ceiling had collapsed and Zenowing and Keeper lay knocked out by the back. Keeper's staff had been thrown to the other side of the room. The desks and counters had been wrecked and wood and metal lay strewn across the dust. The middle of the room was entirely covered in destroyed inventions and the large pile was on fire. Tyler's dad quickly leaped forward and morphed, putting out the giant fire with a huge blast of water. Sparks flew from the pile as the fire dissipated into smoke.

"What the heck happened here?" Chase exclaimed frantically.

"The lab must have been attacked while we were gone!" Ivan gasped. "Wait... where's Miss Morgan?"

At once, Tyler, James, Ivan, and Chase stared together at the once-on-fire wood and metal pile in the center of the room.

"Kendall!" Chase shouted as he raced over to it and began pulling it apart. The others joined him, ripping apart steel and tossing it away, careful not to hit Keeper and Zenowing. Soon, it was all gone. The bed was smashed and Kendall's unmoving body lay burned in the middle of all the wreckage. Chase gently lifted her out, wincing at the sight.

"Is she okay?" Tyler asked worriedly.

"She's still breathing," Chase reported.

"Thank God," James breathed.

"Whoever attacked the lab went straight for her," Ivan murmured. "Where are her glasses?"

"Who cares about that?" Chase snapped. "She's bleeding, for heaven's sake!"

"What?" Tyler did a double take. A nasty slash had been cut through her shoulder, expanded by the fire. Scars and cuts crisscrossed her body from the collapse.

"Where are we going to stay now?" Ivan pointed out. "We have no place to bring Miss Morgan now and she might be in even more danger that before!"

"Look!" James gestured toward a small, unmarked machine in the back. "That was used to combine the powers of any Energems. We can still salvage that!"

"That's good, but where will we stay?"

"We can go to my house," Chase said. "They won't find us there. We can hide her."

Kendall's eyes flitted open and wildly glanced around. "Wh- what happened? Koda and Riley... they came in... then the lab collapsed..." Her entire body trembled with the effort of speaking. "I couldn't stop it... got attacked... can't breathe..." She clung on to Chase. "Please... help me..."

"We have to find help before we head to Chase's house," James murmured. "She's been fighting enough without this. Tyler, go grab the pieces of her Energem. We're going to need them."

Tyler nodded and went to fetch the Energem fragments, collecting them in a small, undamaged canister. He also grabbed the combining machine to use.

"Let's go to the doctor and get some medicine for her, then head to Chase's house," James said quickly. He ran over and helped up Zenowing and Keeper.

Chase gently carried Kendall out of the danger zone and she gasped in pain as he brushed against her shoulder. James reached out and slowly pressed against the wound. Kendall gritted her teeth as she tried not to scream and a few tears trickled down her cheek.

"I stand by my earlier vow," Chase declared. "I will save you or die trying." Kendall closed her eyes again and he listened softly to her gentle, but shaken breathing as he began to bring her to where she would soon gain her health back.

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