Chapter 22- Friends and Allies

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After his failed attempt to destroy Heckyl, Chase was completely enraged. Keeper had found out about their predicament and managed to keep Kendall alive with his own healing abilities, but she had lost a lot of blood and the wound on her stomach was becoming infected. Chase had borrowed some equipment from a nearby hospital and taken it to his house, but the Purple Ranger had remained unconscious for a number of weeks while her friends had tried to stop the infection from spreading through her. Despite their efforts, it had passed through her body quickly and Kendall had become horribly sick. The hospital hadn't been able to do much for her and the Rangers, especially Shelby and Chase, were becoming worried. What if she never woke up? However, there was also the issue of the the tracking chip implanted in her neck as well. If they tried to remove it, that could result in bigger trouble. Chase paced anxiously around his house, trying not to imagine that his girlfriend was slowly perishing right in front of him.

"Heckyl's going to pay for this," he hissed between clenched teeth. "If Kendall dies, he's going to have to deal with me. Nevertheless, we'll still have to contend with him."

"Chase?" The Black Ranger jumped in surprise as the tiniest of voices reached his ears and he spun around, his gaze immediately reaching the injured girl on the bed.

"Kendall, you're awake!"

"I wish I wasn't." She grimaced as he sat on the edge of her bed. "This hurts! Can someone just kill me already?" Her long hair rustled as she tried to sit up. "I'd rather have that than this!"

"I don't want to lose you, though," Chase pointed out. "I'd be just like Heckyl if I did that to you. Speaking of..." He leaned closer to her. "Do you think that it would have had a different outcome if you'd protested."

"Of course. He would have killed me!"


"Is Shelby here?"

"Actually, Tyler and his dad are waiting with her downstairs. Do you want me to send them up?"

"Yes, please." Her body shuddered and Chase rested a hand on her chest. She hadn't been transferred out of the outfit she had been tortured in, which scared him a bit, but he refused to let himself show it.

"All of them?"

"Y- yes."

"Very well." Chase exited the room and traveled down the stairs. Shelby was down there, shivering as she cried in Tyler's arms. He was sitting in a soft chair, with her on his lap. James was attempting to comfort her, but she shoved him away as he placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Is she okay?" he asked.

Tyler looked up and shook his head. "She thinks that if she had stayed, Kendall wouldn't be in the position she's in now."

"I don't think that would have helped," Chase said uncertainly. "If anything, it would have made things worse."

"She doesn't believe that, though." The Red Ranger gently stroked Shelby's hair and she sat up, sniffing. "She blames herself wholly for Kendall's incident."

"Well, she's asking for you three."

James blinked in shock. "She's woken up?"

"Yes. Now, come on. Shelby, you'll be fine."

She rolled her eyes as Tyler lifted her off his lap, but trudged upstairs with the other Rangers as they led her upstairs to Kendall's room, motioning her to go in first.

"Uh..." Shelby tilted her head to the side nervously. "Wh- where is she?"

"What do you mean?" Chase directed her aside and he and the others filed in. "What?"

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