Chapter 35- Beginning Of The End

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I can't believe this is happening! I... I want to kill Cassandra myself, but... I can't... OH NO!

Kendall howled in anguish as she reached Tyler and fell to her knees beside Shelby's body. She was still breathing, but Kendall knew that she probably wouldn't survive what had just happened. When she felt the bloody wound, she could tell the bullet hadn't stopped there. It had torn through her completely.

Then a sudden thought rushed through her.

If Cameron and Heckyl can each heal immense wounds, maybe... maybe they can save her together! But Cameron is exhausted... I need to save her myself.

Tyler threw himself down beside Kendall as the sheer reality of the situation began to sink in. Then a bright flash appeared behind the two of them and both Heckyl and Cameron appeared.

"Cameron, you're okay!" Tyler sighed.

"Heckyl helped me. But that's not important right now. Move over, guys."

When they did, the two magic people managed to help Shelby.

"Now who's this Michaela?" Tyler asked them.

"Wh- what do you mean?" Cameron stammered, looking terrified.

"Before Cassandra died, she mentioned that Michaela would lead her family to kill both Shelby and Kendall. What did she mean?"

Kendall sucked in a deep breath. "Cameron, do you think it's Michaela Harris?"


"She's... my distant cousin."

Cameron gasped. "I... I remember now. She blamed one of her cousins and a friend of hers, she said, for her brother Aaron's death. Then she went crazy and tried to kill her... that was you?!"

"Wait, if she's Heckyl's cousin too, are we related? But... he loved me before..."

"I doubt it," Cameron said quickly. "He has no other family but her."

"Michaela won't stop until Shelby and I are both dead," Kendall growled angrily. "I know it for sure. We have to stop her."

"Do you know where she might be?"

"No... I don't."

"What- what's going on?" Shelby groaned, reaching out toward Kendall, who turned back to her.

"Oh god, Shelby..." Kendall sighed. "I'm so glad you're okay. That was so terrifying..."


"Hey, what is going on here?" James gasped as he and the rest of the Rangers, except for Chase and Mei, came running up beside them. "Are you guys okay?"

Kendall took a deep breath and as her friends gathered around her, she told them what had happened, including when Cassandra had shot Shelby and then killed herself.

"We need to find Michaela and her family," she finished breathlessly as she helped Shelby up. "She's the key to the rest of this. Kill her and our troubles will be over."

"Oh, you don't need to find us," some voices snarled from behind them. They all spun around to see a girl with tan skin and dark red hair holding a knife, surrounded by about eleven men and women, all of the same large size. "We've already found you."

And, before any of them could stop her, she lunged at Kendall.


Meanwhile, Chase and Mei had gone in a different direction in their search for Shelby. However, as soon as an earsplitting scream rang out through the air, they automatically turned toward the sound.

"Th- that was Kendall," Mei stammered. "I recognize her voice."

"Come with me then." Chase started to run and the Talon Ranger followed close behind as he darted through the woods until at last they reached a clump of bushes. The Black Ranger tentatively went through them and then halted, shocked by the sight in front of him. Kendall was in the middle of it, being held down on the ground by an enraged girl. The rest of the Rangers and Cameron and Heckyl were being held back by similar-looking men and women that were desperately attempting to get to her, except for Shelby, who was unconscious in the arms of one of the women. Chase's instincts took over immediately and he raced toward his girlfriend. The girl looked at him and pulled Kendall up off the ground, imprisoning her in her arms and pressing the knife against her neck. He skidded to a stop in front of her.

"Don't move!" Cameron called to him. "Michaela's going to kill her if you try anything!"

But what none of them knew was that Mei had left him and was sneaking around the perimeter. One day a reporter, the next a Power Ranger, she was already adapting to it quickly. But she hadn't seen the knife. Fortunately, though, when she charged at Michaela, making her drop the knife, it didn't hit any of them. Michaela dropped Kendall quickly and rolled to the side, slamming both fists into Mei's stomach. She collapsed, the wind knocked out of her, but the distraction had given Kendall time to get up and run over to Chase. It was then that he noticed that she had been cut and the wound in her shoulder had been slightly opened up again.

"Are you okay?" he whispered.

"I- I think so."

"Wait, what about-?" They turned just as Mei got up from the ground. For a moment, it looked as if Michaela had disappeared. But then she was back in the middle, this time dragging Shelby and bracing herself to stab her weapon through the unconscious Pink Ranger's heart.

"Shelby!" they cried simultaneously, rushing toward her. Michaela stabbed the knife down, but not fast enough. Chase yanked it out of her hand quickly enough so the tip only nicked Shelby's chest and Kendall speedily thrust out a leg and roundhouse-kicked her to the ground. Then she turned just in time to catch Shelby as she fell.

"Is she okay?" Chase asked.

"I think so." Quickly, Kendall threw out a short explanation about what had happened before, but it might have taken too long. Michaela took a longer, sharper dagger from her belt and pounced on them, knocking both the Purple and Pink Rangers to the ground. She went after Kendall first, smashing her into the pavement. Chase started toward her, but Kendall shook her head. "Don't worry about me right now! You and Mei get Shelby to safety first; "

Mei shuffled over to him, nodding. Taking her lead, he picked up Shelby's limp body from the ground and retreated back into the bushes, placing her down beside the Talon Ranger.

"Take care of her," he murmured before running back to the scene. Michaela was running her knife along Kendall, not noticing Chase creeping up behind her. But then, the guy holding Koda back pointed him out and she plunged the weapon into Kendall's thigh. With a roar, Tyler, Heckyl, and and James grabbed the knives from the men holding them and slashed them through their throats, then charged at her with Chase. Michaela was too clever though. She called the woman forward who had knocked out Shelby before and sent her against them. Then she went back to her self-appointed mission.

"I can't wait to do this to you," she hissed. "And right under the faces of your friends. And when you're gone, I'll kill little Shelby Watkins as well. Neither of you will ever again see the light of day." Michaela smiled wickedly. "Goodbye, Kendall Morgan."

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