Chapter 11- Cries Of Fear

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Chase set off at a run. She was much too far away, but he knew he had to save her. Of all the places for her to go and now she was being attacked! He raced towards her at full speed and at the same time, he knew he had to fight the someone attacking her. But when he got even closer, he could clearly see who it was. It was Ninja, one of Arcanon's reanimated monsters! What was he doing here? Then he knew. Arcanon wanted her Energem, not knowing that it had been destroyed. Chase rushed forward at Ninja, spearing him off Kendall and throwing him to the ground.

"Kendall, run!" he shouted.

The terrified girl struggled to get off the ground, but was afraid to run. The only way to go was a narrow path beside a steep ravine that they hadn't noticed earlier.

Chase pointed his Dino Blaster at Ninja. "Just go!"

"I can't!"

"Yes you can! I got this."

Scared into fleeing, Kendall darted along the thin path at the side of the ravine just as Chase shot his blaster. Right before he was blown apart, Ninja shot a dark blast aimlessly into the air. It barely missed the injured scientist, but knocked her entirely off balance as she avoided it. She uttered a pained cry as she fell, then cut it off when her head slammed against a rock and her body connected with the valley of the ravine. Stars swirled around her vision as she crashed to the ground, her glasses flying off, then blacked out completely. "Chase..."

He had called the other Rangers. Tyler, Ivan, James, and Shelby traveled to that point and watched as he destroyed Ninja.

"Where's Kendall? You said she was here," James said, looking around.

"What do you mean?" Chase questioned. "She was right there." He spun and stared towards the narrow trail by the ravine. "Wait a second..."

Meanwhile, Riley had found out their location and snuck up on Kendall down in the ravine. He knew she was there and was going to take her where no one would find her. He towered above her and smashed his hand down on her neck. Or I could just kill you right now.

Kendall opened her eyes slightly, but was almost blinded temporarily. She brought one hand up to defend herself, but Riley swatted it away. He put more pressure on her neck and she gasped for air as Prince Phillip and Koda came up behind the Green Ranger.

"Good job, Riley," Koda praised him. "Now let's destroy her for real."

"But make her death slow," Prince Phillip added. "She's defied us too many times."

"Wait!" Kendall cried desperately. She felt hot tears pouring down her cheeks as the Prince and Riley dragged her into a corner, kicking her glasses aside as they did. I just want this to be over. Now.

"What, you think this would be quick?" Prince Phillip laughed. "No, definitely not." He stepped back and at that moment, his victim realized that he was about to do his special move, the Royal Dino Punch. He wound up and Kendall braced herself for the burst of fire inside her.

"Take this!" Then the unimaginable agony hit her, making her scream out uncontrollably. Somehow, it immediately drained her of all energy and resistance. As her scream died out, her body went limp and her eyes closed as the last of the color in her drained out of her skin. Suddenly, it brought back some terrible memories of something similar that had happened to her years earlier.

Then she saw herself as a young, naïve person at age 18, eight years earlier, running after a page from her dinosaur journal blowing away in the wind next to a luscious evergreen forest. But what she didn't know was that she was rushing towards a cliff next to the forest. She finally noticed it and jumped for the page as she reached the edge, but she slipped and grabbed the end of the cliff right before she was about to fall into nothingness.

"HELP!" she yelled as she dangled from the cliff face. Then her face softened in a terrified way. "Never mind. I know that no one's coming and no one will. I shouldn't have come out here alone. I was too upset about my parents dying a few days after I left for college a year ago that I forgot about myself. Oh, why?" As the young version of her attempted to climb back up again, the rock quickly flaked away under her hands and she delivered a wild screech as she plummeted to the hard floor of the cliff, which was a very long way down. The images blurred and Kendall knew instantly where it was going. She had been found three days later with a damaged heart and had to get a heart transplant that day. Then she had been attacked by a bunch of idiots in one of her college classes a few days afterward that were jealous of her knowledge and she didn't know how she had survived it.

But next, an agonizing pain in her chest sent her spiraling back to reality, her eyes opening instantly. It hadn't gone in too deep, but Prince Phillip had stabbed her with a knife. Blood streaked from the new wound as he yanked it out. Kendall couldn't hold anything in and regardless of her lack of energy, cries of pain, rage, and suffering emanated from her throat, echoing throughout the ravine and a lot of the forest, easily reaching the ears of the other Rangers. She lay back helplessly as she barely heard their voices from very far above.

"Was that her?" Tyler gulped.

"It came from down there, in the ravine!" Chase gasped. "Oh no! She must have fallen when Ninja shot off his last blast!"

The five Rangers rushed over to the edge of the ravine and peered down inside it. Then they noticed the three attackers surrounding Kendall on the ground and watched in dismay as the Prince plunged the knife down into her left eye, causing her to shriek as he once again pulled it out harshly. The slash on her eye also began to bleed. Prince Phillip moved a few steps backward and stared at Kendall's bleeding wounds with triumph in his eyes.

"NO!" Shelby sobbed, bringing a hand to her eye to wipe away the stream of tears flowing from her eyes. "Chase, give me my Energem!" She snatched it from his pocket and morphed (Energize!), then jumped down into the ravine, landing perfectly on her feet.

"GET AWAY FROM HER!" she roared, firing her blaster at Riley, Prince Phillip, and Koda. Because Koda and the Prince were morphed, it blasted them backwards and demorphed them. Shelby ran over to Kendall and demorphed herself.

"Kendall..." Shelby whispered, gently touching the place where her friend's eye had been slashed. Kendall let out an anguished wail as more of her blood spilled out onto the dusty ground. The other Rangers also morphed and leapt into the ravine where the two of them were. When the three traitors saw them, they fled.

The Rangers that remained crowded in around Shelby and Kendall.

"What now?" Chase murmured, blinking back tears. "We can't let her die."

And silence reigned over the entire valley.

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