Chapter 34- New Ranger, New Ally, Part II

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"Well then, how do we do it?" Riley was clearly struggling to not panic and same with most of the other Rangers.

"I- I-" Cameron was looking overwhelmed.

"Find Heckyl and bring him here," Chase told Shelby and Tyler. "I think he'll be able to calm Cameron down."

"G-get a knife," Cameron choked out as they left. "He- he has one.

They were considerably right, but as Shelby raced out the door with Tyler by her side, she began to think that this was going to be extremely close. It was pretty easy to find him, mainly because he had almost come straight to them.

"Cameron needs you!" Shelby snapped. Heckyl didn't wait for any more, but he followed them. When they got back to the house, they could see that Cameron had pulled some strange device out of her pocket, one that looked like a pistol with a syringe attached to it. On her orders, Heckyl handed her his knife.

"Wait, do you know what she's going to do?" James questioned. Heckyl nodded.

Cameron took a deep breath, then placed the front part of her device on Kendall's left shoulder and pushed a button. The injured girl's body glowed with a purple light for a moment, then all the purple began to move towards the device, as if it were being sucked into it. But it wasn't. It just stayed there.

"That's the poison," Cameron explained. She looked up at the other Rangers with sad eyes. "You might not like what I need to do next, but you need to trust that I know what I'm doing."

Everyone looked at Heckyl.

"I trust you, Cameron."

Cameron sucked in another deep breath, clutching her device tightly in her hand as she moved it away. All of a sudden, she quickly raised the knife above her head with the other hand and stabbed it into Kendall's shoulder, right where the purple glow had gathered. Blood streamed out and Shelby cried into Tyler's arms as she turned away from it. Riley, on instinct, rushed out of the room to get some supplies. Koda and Chase, on the other hand, didn't understand what Cameron was doing.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Chase roared.

"Chill, dude!" Tyler murmured at him in a cracked voice, though he could barely hear the Red Ranger over Shelby's sobs. "She's taking all of it out."

Once more, Cameron pressed the strange device against Kendall's shoulder, managing to stay calm even as the other girl writhed in pain beneath her. When she pressed the button again, it began filling up with the bright purple poison. When at last it was full, she removed it, then dropped it and the knife on the floor and pushed her hands against it, letting the blue light creep up her arms that let everyone know she was healing her. Shelby's crying began to quiet down as Tyler held her closer to him and whispered soothing words into her ear.

The agonized wails coming from Kendall began to quiet down too and she then sat up, staring straight at Cameron.

"Th- thank you," she whispered. But now, Cameron wasn't looking too good. Her dark skin had become become a bit more pale than usual and as she stood up again, she was swaying on her feet. Then, suddenly, she fainted.

"Cameron!" Heckyl gasped.

She's exhausted, the Rangers realized. She saved Kendall's life.

"Get her on the couch," Mei ordered. "She'll be okay."

"How do you know?" Riley snapped.

"Because the same thing happened to my cousin when we were younger."

Heckyl didn't ask, but he gently wrapped his arms around Cameron's body and lifted her onto the couch.

"I'll go get some supplies," Shelby exclaimed.

"And I'll come with you," Kendall added.

"Absolutely not!" Chase growled, blocking her from going to Shelby. "There is no way we're letting you out of the house right now. And frankly, I don't think you should go either!" he added to Shelby. "You've both been through a lot and there's someone that wants to kill you badly."

Shelby lifted her chin defiantly. "In case you didn't notice, hiding didn't do us much good before. I say we just go on with our lives and keep a sharp lookout."

Chase narrowed his eyes. "Okay, Shelby, you can go. But Kendall, I want you to stay here."

"Shelby can't go on her own though," Kendall objected.

"I'll be fine." Shelby rolled her eyes as she spoke.

Chase, Riley, Prince Phillip, Tyler, and Ivan all glared at her.

"Keep your Dino-Com on," Riley warned. "And if anything- and I mean anything- suspicious happens, call us right away."

"I'm still not comfortable with you going out on her own," Tyler sighed. "Who knows what could happen to you out there? Even if you were just going to the store... you could be killed out there."

Shelby let out a huge breath. "Fine, you can come."

"Thank you." Tyler smiled warmly at her as they walked out the door on the way to the store. For some reason, everyone had preferred walking to driving these days.

However, Tyler had been right to be worried. Cassandra no longer wanted Kendall. She wanted Shelby. She wanted her to die, as painfully as possible. But, with her boyfriend along too, it wasn't going to be too easy. She smirked as she watched them afar from her hiding place, quietly cocking her gun in her hands. When she had shot Kendall before, the bullet had gotten stuck on her and Chase had managed to remove it. Somehow, she had survived everything. She wouldn't make the same mistake with the Pink Ranger.

Cassandra followed them for a while, until the roads were completely deserted. She held the gun up to her head, carefully aiming at her target.

Suddenly, Shelby and Tyler both began to look around themselves. Cassandra ducked down into a bush and they fortunately never saw her. She resumed her original position and adjusted her aim. The goal wasn't to kill her right away, but to put her in as much pain as she could before she died.

Enjoy these special moments with him, she thought as she watched Tyler gently kiss her on the cheek. Because they will be your last.

And she fired.


Cassandra has hit her mark. The bullet zipped toward Shelby and tore through her body immediately. Blood spattered across the ground as she collapsed. But Cassandra didn't have much time to enjoy the moment.


Laughing hysterically, she crept out of the shadows.


"She deserved it," the woman chuckled.


Cassandra laughsd even more. "You won't kill me, Red Ranger. I'll kill myself first, having the happy vision in my mind of Shelby alone in hell."


She backflipped our of his way, pressing he own gun against the side of her head.

"They'll all come," she gasped out through laughter. "All of them. If Shelby survives somehow, Michaela will lead her family to kill both her and Kendall."

Then it was over. She had killed herself.

Tyler knew nothing but terror as he gazed down at his girlfriend. I need to do something!!!

(Cliffhanger, haha sorry)

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