Chapter 15- The Last Goodbye

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"MISS MORGAN!" Shelby cried, her mournful wail cutting through the air. "NO!"

"I'm so sorry, Miss Morgan," Ivan murmured. "We all let you down."

Chase wasn't listening to any of the other Rangers' mourning statements. He gazed down at the lifeless body of his girlfriend resting peacefully in his arms. He couldn't believe it. Kendall Morgan, the girl he had loved for so long, the girl who he had fought for so much, the one who he had begun to care for since the day he'd laid eyes on her, was dead. Ivan was right. They had all let her down. He looked around. She had been right, the Graphite and Green Rangers had disappeared.

She sacrificed herself for us!

Chase pulled Kendall's body closer to him, gently resting her head on his chest. Her skin felt cold as he adjusted her glasses on her face. Tyler made a similar movement with Shelby, which only made Chase feel worse. Tyler and Shelby still had each, whilst he had no one now. He couldn't go home to New Zealand yet because they still had to destroy Heckyl, but now that Kendall was gone, they had no way to figure out where to find new heroes to bond to the Purple, Graphite, Green, and Blue Energems. James had brought the rest of the gems with him.

Wait, no one was more fit to be a Ranger than her. I'm going to keep the Purple Energem with me unless we suddenly find out that she's alive. Oh, who am I kidding? She's gone.

Chase slowly stood up, earning questioning glances from the surrounding Rangers as he glared at them. Ivan moved out of the way to let the Black Ranger pass through as he began to run. Tears poured from his eyes, splashing onto Kendall's pale face.

I can't believe it. I have nothing left to live for now!

He felt completely numb. What would he tell Zenowing and Keeper now? Kendall and Keeper had become friends when they had first met each other and for a while, they had both acted as the guardians of the Energems. When he and Zenowing found out that it was their fault that she was dead, they would be in huge trouble.

"I'm sorry, Kendall!" he shouted out into the darkening sky. "I tried to save you, but instead, I failed you! I'm sorry!"

As if in answer to him, clouds streaked rain poured from the sky upon him, as if the former Purple Ranger herself was still mourning for her lost life and love. When they arrived at the museum, the rain was still pelting down. Luckily, no one else was in sight outside. He quickly entered the Amber Beach Museum, racing past the people who had stationed themselves inside. It was closing, but he had to get to the lab, which was what he eventually did. As he entered, Zenowing darted in front of him. "Where have you been? What has happened?"

"We did manage to save her, but then the traitors attacked again. And- and now..." Chase broke off as Keeper nudged the Silver Ranger aside and stood in front of him. He gulped and stepped back. "K- Keeper, I'm sorry. It was- it was my fault that she died."

"Actually, it never was," Keeper stated thoughtfully. "You loved her very much and you did everything you could to protect her. Destiny brought her to this. She knew very well what was going to happen, but she chose not to tell you. Kendall proved to be very brave and enduring the entire time and she was a great warrior at heart. That is where she will always be remembered." He tapped his chest. "In your heart."

"But it's not enough," Chase sighed. "I want her here with me. I don't remember any other way to live."

"But you have to find a way," Zenowing added. "You have pictures, right? Plus, you know that she'll always be a part of you."

"Not helping," the Black Ranger muttered.

"Maybe a proper goodbye would help," Keeper suggested. "We can do it where you first found the Purple Energem: In New Zealand."

"I don't know..."

"Chase, you need to accept it soon. She's gone."

Chase sighed. "Fine, let's do it. But can you transport us?"

Keeper nodded. "I can. Close your eyes." Chase obeyed and suddenly, a strange sensation passed over him, as if he was flying through space and time. Then, after about 15 minutes, he heard Keeper's command again. "Open them."

Chase blinked in surprise as he realized that he had been taken to New Zealand, as had the other Rangers. They all stood in a circle, along with Zenowing and Keeper, surrounding Kendall's deceased body, which was somehow floating on a cushion of air.

Keeper's deep voice echoed out among them. "We have come here today for the repeated farewell and goodbyes of Kendall Morgan, the former Purple Ranger and the mentor of the entire team."

"Can you summon her?" Tyler asked.

"I'm guessing you've heard the legends. Yes, I can, but only for about 20 seconds. I hope this will give you enough time."

Chase shook his head. "It won't. But I can make do with that. I'd like one last moment with her."

"Very well." Keeper held up his staff and muttered something in a muffled whisper. Instantly, a violet light surrounded Kendall and swirled around above her, finally assuming the shape of the dead girl, standing there in a dastardly beautiful glow of purple, her gaze flowing right to Chase.

"Kendall!" Chase wanted to run to her and hold her to him forever, but he knew that it wasn't possible. He just had to stand there and endure the stabbing pain.

"Chase, don't worry about me," she murmured gently. "Live your own life. You will find someone better than me, more worthy of your love. I know you might never forget me, but you need to stop letting this get in the way of you living your own life."

Kendall, please let me speak too! "Even if I do, I won't ever let go of you. You were my life and you always will be."


"Kendall, I'll love you for eternity."

4... 3...

"I hope you'll never forget me either."

2... 1...

"Goodbye, Kendall."

Time's up.

Then her spirit disappeared.

Keeper gently prodded the Black Ranger with his staff. "Has any of that helped?"

Chase looked around at the cold environment with the wall of invisibility surrounding them, preventing other people from spotting them. Then he glanced at each of his friends, staring at Shelby, Tyler, James, Ivan, Zenowing, and Keeper.

"I'm okay now," he declared to all of them. "I will never let go of Kendall's memory, but I will also never forget what she said. I will live my life, knowing that her spirit will forever reside within me."

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