Chapter 20- A Ranger's Fate

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When Kendall finally woke up, she realized that she had been transported to the Dino Lab back at the museum. She attempted to get up and run forward, but ran straight into Shelby, who stood in front of her as if she were a brick wall.

"Shelby?" she voiced uncertainly. "What did you do?"

"Why, my servant here brought me back to you," a different voice called from behind the Pink Ranger as Kendall drew back. Heckyl! It was him.

"What have you done to her?" Kendall snarled.

"Relax, Morgan. All I did was take over her mind to bring you here."

"Well, let her go!"

"I intend to. She has served her purpose. I can now track you anywhere you go."

"What do you mean by that?"

"My powers give me the ability to teleport myself to any location. All I needed was for Shelby here- I chose her because she was near you -to insert the tiniest microchip ever seen into your neck. That chip allows me to find out where you are and transport myself accordingly."

Shock pulsed through Kendall. She knew she could never escape him again.

Heckyl continued, "I have no further use for your friend and she will not be released unless you stay with me." His eyes flashed. "Or when I release her, I will kill you."

"I would never reside with a heathen like you!"

Heckyl procured a sword out of midair and held it up as she proclaimed those words. Kendall closed her eyes as she waited for inevitable death to hit her. It never came and so, she opened her eyes. Heckyl was staring intently at a red-eyed Shelby and as he held up his hands, the red from her eyes seemed to flow into him and disappeared from her. She pressed a hand to her forehead and blinked a few times, her brief expression one of confusion. Then she seemed to realize where she was and who was with her and moved instinctively to shield Kendall.

The one who had controlled her before didn't move for a moment. He stayed where he was, his gaze focused on Kendall before moving to the girl trying to protect her. Then, as quick as a flash, he charged, striking the Pink Ranger with his sword, and slashing it in a thick line across her neck. Kendall gasped as she collapsed without making a sound. "Shelby!"

"This is what becomes of her since you did not follow my wishes," Heckyl growled.

"No!" Kendall wailed, throwing herself onto her knees beside Shelby. Blood pooled out of the other girl's throat, soaking her hands. Shelby's eyes were wide and she coughed a few times, struggling for breath. She lifted her arm to place her hand upon Kendall's shoulder.

"I'm sorry I did this to you," she murmured. "I deserve to die."

"No, you don't!"

"But Heckyl can do anything to you now! He can find you anywhere."

"That wasn't your fault."

"Yes, it was. I should have fought against his control."

"I don't think you could have, though. Anyway..." Kendall wasn't thinking straight at that moment. "Can't they just do what they did to me to bring you back?"

"Kendall, it's not that simple. It took up almost all my energy to do it to you and same with the others. Plus, if it happened again, you couldn't bring me back a second time. I'd rather be gone from the first time."

"NO!" Kendall cried. She turned toward Heckyl. "If you don't let her die, I promise I'll stay with you. Willingly."

"But, as dear Shelby here pointed out, I can find you anywhere," he pointed out. "Why should I do that?"

"Do you really want me or not?" she snarled.

"You're right," Heckyl laughed. "Fine, I will do it."

Kendall held her breath. This was the only time she would make a promise she couldn't keep. Unbeknownst to her unnatural thoughts, he went over to them and pushed the Purple Ranger away. A deep blue light instantly covered Shelby, then disappeared as quickly as it had come. Kendall leaned over his shoulder and her heart skipped a beat. He really did have the power to heal. Now she just had to get her out of there...

"Okay, now get away from her!" Kendall narrowed her eyes and Heckyl backed off. Shelby seemed to have been refilled with energy too, so she quickly exited the room, running as fast as her long legs could carry her. But then came Kendall's mistake of trying to follow. Heckyl had very sharp eyes and could clearly see she was trying to dupe him. He moved forward rapidly and pulled her back, furiously wrapping his hands around her throat.

"Hey!" she snapped.

"Remind me never to trust you again." He flexed his fingers, readying himself at the perfect opportunity to snap her neck.

"Please... don't..."

He loosened his grip, but did not release her completely. "I am beginning to see why Snide hated you so much. Well, no matter." A sly smile appeared on his face. "I will love having fun with you." Then he tightened his grasp again. Stars exploded behind Kendall's eyes and soon, the Dino Lab blurred and went pitch dark.


Consciousness found her again after a while, but Kendall found that she couldn't move. Wherever she had been taken, it was completely black and her body was chained to a hard surface at her arms, legs, neck, and waist. Her vest and top were gone, leaving only her white sports bra upon her upper half and the rest of her body felt cold as an air conditioner blew full current onto her. Her jeans had been replaced by petite white shorts, her hair had been taken out of a ponytail, letting her long hair hang loose around her shoulders, and her glasses had been removed.

"Heckyl, stop this right now," she moaned desperately. "If you really loved me, you wouldn't do anything like this."

"I don't care." There was a mix of a hiss and a laugh in his voice from wherever he was. "To restate what I said before, I'm going to love having fun with you."

Kendall shivered. I hope that if he hurts me, I'll pass out from the pain and I won't have to endure it anymore.

She felt a warm hand rub over her stomach and flinched. "Get away from me!"

"Not a chance." The hand moved up to her shoulder and rough lips crashed against hers. She tried to pull away, but another hand snaked around her and stationed her head in place. As the harsh kiss ended, the chains on her legs pulled back, leaving them hanging in the air.

"Be ready for anything, my lovely Kendall."

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