Chapter 19- Heckyl's Prisoner, Part II

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Chase and Shelby found the other Rangers back at the Dino Lab. They both wanted to tell what had happened straight up, but as Keeper joined the group, Chase forced himself to change the words. "Where is Kendall?"

"More importantly," Riley spoke up. "Where is Heckyl? I last saw the two of them together."

Shelby couldn't keep quiet for long. "He's captured her!"

"Heckyl?" the Rangers gasped in unison.


"How do you come to know this?" Zenowing asked.

"She called me, but her phone went dead before she could tell me where she was. However, Chase told me that he had watched them disappear together."

"Where could they have gone?" James wondered.

Riley began to speak again. "We could trace her call. I know how to do that even when the other phone is dead."

"Are you sure?" Shelby murmured.

"I have to try. It may be our only hope."

In Sledge's old ship...

"Are you ready for it yet?"

"I told you, it's never going to happen!"

For a while, Heckyl had continued checking in with Kendall to ask if she was ready to spend the rest of her life with him. Once she said yes, he would let her go anywhere around the ship, and if she said no for too long, he had a huge surprise in store for her.

"Are you sure?"

"I will always be sure about that! Chase is who I belong with!"

"Very well." Then he slid open the cage door, reached inside, and grabbed her by the arm, pulling her out. Kendall felt a slight glimmer of hope. Was she going to be set free?

It had been too much to hope for. Heckyl forcefully led her down the hall of empty cells to a large, black door. He opened it, threw her inside, and slammed the door behind her as she felt her head hit hard floor. When Kendall stood up again, she realized that the room was pitch-dark and began groping for the wall. She finally touched it, but as soon as she did, a red-orange blaze appeared above her and a roar echoed around the room as a spurt of fire streaked across the middle half of it. Kendall barely managed to dodge it by dropping to the floor, but even then, the bolt followed her and struck her on the side of her neck, throwing her off balance and tossing her against the wall. She attempted to take in a deep breath, but from the stream of fire, smoke had gotten into her and she temporarily couldn't breathe.

No! This can't be the end! I need to be with the others again.

But she really was losing hope. More light flooded through the room and it began to grow hot as Kendall realized that it was really on fire. She never even noticed the phone slightly vibrating in her back pocket. Taking in as much breath as she could, she felt the wall again and finally managed to find the door, pushing it open with all the strength the had, which, despite it not being very much, slid the door open and brought her back in bright gray light- and right to Heckyl.

"So..." Heckyl snarled. "That wasn't enough for you?" His gaze temporarily drifted to her legs as she took a step back. "I guess we'll have to take more extreme measures." That's when Kendall knew that this was the moment. Flee or be scarred for life.

She chose to run. With astonishing skill, she dodged around her captor and blindly ran, knowing that she had chosen the right direction when she was able to find her way out of the ship and back into the forest. Heckyl turned around, knowing that she couldn't escape. She will be mine. I can transport anywhere and I will always find her. If she doesn't accept soon that she must be mine, I will kill her. Better yet, that girl that stopped me from accomplishing one of my first plans- is it Shelby? - could be the one to die if Kendall doesn't come with me. Yes. If she says no, I'll destroy Shelby slowly and painfully. She will stay with me after that for sure.

Kendall stopped running after a while when her energy had drained out of her. Unfortunately, she now didn't know where she was. It must have been in Amber Beach, but how would she know where the other Rangers were? But finally, she reached the streets.

"Kendall?" She jumped in surprise as Shelby's voice rang out behind her. Kendall spun around and saw the Pink Ranger rushing toward her happily. Before she knew it, the Pink Ranger pulled her into an embrace and she instantly returned it. She hadn't been gone for long but to her, it had felt like a eternity.

"God, I thought Heckyl had done something bad to you!" Shelby sighed. She stepped back for a moment, looking concerned. "He didn't, did he?"


But at that moment, Heckyl was, unbeknownst to the two Rangers, hiding behind a tree, listening. Instead of his plan for killing Shelby, he decided to use her once again. He could get the Pink Ranger to hold her in the Dino Lab, while temporarily maintaining a distraction for Keeper somewhere else, and she would attack her again. Once he succeeded in getting inside again, he could threaten Kendall with the fact that he would use Shelby to hurt Chase and her even more if she did not come. Yes, it was a great plan, since he could still control at least one person at a time. He concentrated, pushing his power out into Shelby, and feeling a strange rush of warmth inside him as his powers reached inside her head and took control of her mind and actions. Shelby froze, blinking a few times, and Heckyl attempted to make her walk back over to Kendall. When that was exactly what she did, he knew at last that he had complete control over her, especially when her eyes glowed bright red for a quick moment. That was easily noticed by her friend.

"Shelby, are you okay?" Kendall murmured, uneasily placing a hand on the other girl's shoulder. Shelby put both of her own hands over it, grasping it tightly, and Heckyl struggled not to laugh and risk being discovered as he plotted for what to do next. He continued to set about putting the next phase of his plan into action.

In the blink of an eye, Shelby held on to Kendall's arm as she flipped her onto her back towards the ground. Kendall gasped as pain shot up her spine. "Shelby, what is wrong with you?" She didn't answer, but instead lifted her up again and slammed her back onto the pavement. Kendall groaned as she rolled onto her stomach. Shock pulsed through her as Shelby raised her foot and harshly crashed it down on her.

"Shelby, I know why you're doing this." That was all Kendall had time to whisper until unconsciousness fell over her, strength conclusively abandoning her body as her eyes closed.

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