Chapter 10- Released From Sanity

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When Shelby, Ivan, Tyler, James, and Chase finally returned to the Pink Ranger's house with Kendall, everyone was exhausted. Prince Phillip had let them go freely, but they knew that he, Koda, and Riley would return for them eventually. When Chase laid his burden on a bed in one of the upstairs rooms, Shelby stayed by her side the whole time. She knew that she was in a lot of pain, so she did everything she could to try to help.

"What do we do now?" James asked worriedly. "We know how ruthless Koda and the Prince are and we're no closer to getting either of their Energems back."

"Do we know how much time she has left?" Tyler inquired.

"Only Keeper can answer that," Shelby said.

"But the lab was destroyed!" Chase protested. "Keeper isn't safe there!"

"Keeper put a shield around it that will throw people out who it detects having bad intentions to enter it," Ivan explained. "Keeper and Zenowing are fine there."

"I'll bring her there with Shelby then," Chase sighed.

"Not a chance," Tyler snapped. "We're all in this together. We're coming with you."


The museum was very close to Shelby's house, but the rest of the Rangers still surrounded Chase and Kendall as they went on. Thankfully, they were never ambushed as they arrived at the lab. Shelby moved forward nervously when it was time for her to go through, but the barrier never kept her back. It was completely empty except for the deserted Energem crystals and its two original occupants. Kendall fearfully stared up as the ceiling as they entered the lab.

"Keeper, Zenowing," Tyler greeted them. "It's a relief to see that you are okay after- you know."

"What is wrong now?" Zenowing questioned. Chase stepped back a bit.

"Have you gotten the rest of the Energems yet?" Keeper asked.

"No, and Miss Morgan is getting worse," Shelby cried. "We need to know how much longer she's going to live."

"Hmm..." Keeper paced over to Chase and gently rested one hand on Kendall's chest. She hissed and pawed it off.

"Let him help you," Chase whispered to her, giving her a peck on the cheek as Keeper reinstated his position. He stayed there for a few minutes as everyone held their breath.

Finally, Keeper looked up. "I didn't expect this."

"What is it?" Shelby burst out.

"She'd only have about a week left if it was a natural death from Energem destruction, but with all the injuries she's been getting lately, there's no telling how long she'll survive."

Kendall struggled out of Chase's arms and landed on her feet, stumbling a bit and then collapsing. Zenowing quickly caught her, glancing back at the Black Ranger. He nodded, his strength diminished from carrying the girl all day.

"Let go of me!" Kendall squealed.

"As you wish." Zenowing stood her back up and released her. Kendall bowed her head as she carefully edged away from them.

"Does anyone have any ideas for how we should get the last two Energems without injuring ourselves or killing Miss Morgan?" Ivan voiced.

"What about ambushing them?" Tyler suggested. "We could find out their exact location and take their Energems when they least expect it."

"But I don't think any of Kendall's equipment survived the attack," Chase pointed out. "If we somehow manage to acquire stuff like it at a local laboratory, none of us know how to use it except Shelby and neither her nor Kendall are in any state to be put through the strain of trying to handle anything like that."

"Why did Shelby destroy her Energem then if she knew what she was doing?" Zenowing tilted his head to the side in confusion.

"But I couldn't control myself!" Shelby cut in anxiously. "I was a prisoner in my own mind until he released me!"

"Moving on." Ivan dismissed the topic with a wave of his hand. "Any more ideas?"

"We could hide somewhere that I know they won't find us," Shelby started to say.

"But they can find us anywhere! That includes the unused council dungeon," James muttered with a reproachful glance at the unstable Pink Ranger.

Please don't read my mind anymore! Shelby mouthed angrily at him, turning away.

"Well, I'm out of ideas," Tyler murmured.

"But we can't give up!" Zenowing protested. "We need to find a way to save Kendall. We can't keep her here forever."

"Um, speaking of, where is Kendall?" Chase looked around wildly. The former Purple Ranger had disappeared.

"She's gone!" Shelby yelled.

"We need to find her!" Ivan declared. "The other Rangers can't find her before we do. Worse yet, Arcanon may send a monster after her. We haven't seen much of him around lately. That could be a sign of disaster."

"Let's go then!" Tyler shouted. He, Ivan, James, Chase, and Shelby ran out the door of the lab into the museum. Many people stared questioningly at them as they rushed by, but they didn't stop. As they exited into the darkening sunlight, they saw nothing. The streets were empty.

"Let's split up," James recommended. "If you find her, contact the rest of us and tell us where you are. If you're being attacked, or even if you're not, we'll be there immediately." They nodded and split up five ways, each of them going in a different direction.

"Kendall!" Chase called. "Where are you? You need to come back! You're not safe out here!"

And that's when a storm broke out again. Rain pelted down harshly on the ground and onto the five Rangers. Lightning flashed down all around them and they grew more afraid by the moment.

"KENDALL!" They all shouted together. No answer came back to them.

Chase ran off down the street, rain blurring his vision as he raced towards where the last attack had been on them. He had a feeling that she might go back to somewhere near there. As he arrived there, he peered closely at the area around him, but saw nothing. Where is she?

Then a shadowed person flew across his path, startling him as it dashed into the woods and threw itself as another individual that he hadn't noticed was standing there. Whoever they were, they stood too far away for Chase to see them clearly. But as the unknown creature hurled itself at the person standing near the trees, they let out a high-pitched scream that echoed throughout the forest as they went down, being crushed underneath them. It was a scream that sounded pained and agonized. It sounded very familiar. He knew it only too well.


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