Chapter 29- Poisoned Heart

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Chase couldn't shake his girlfriend's confession out of his mind. It tore him apart to know that Kendall had been so abused in her childhood and that it was continuing on through now. It stalked him in his dreams and turned them into nightmares once again. But what scared him the most was that he'd nearly killed her that night. Her wounds had been healed and she'd slept with him like usual. However, in his panic about the new tribulations, he'd almost choked her to death, and if it had not been for Shelby, who'd decided to sleep over for a few nights and happened to wake up at that very moment, Chase was sure the worst would have come. Fortunately, Riley had managed to convince her not to fight Henry yet. He had put the two girls in another room for the rest of the time and when he woke up again, he'd gone straight back to them.

"Did you guys sleep well?" he asked, poking his head in. Then he blinked in surprise as he watched them. Kendall was curled up against Shelby in the bed, the two of them speaking softly to each other, and as Shelby spotted Chase, Kendall turned as well. Her face was red, as if she'd been crying again, and she was trembling violently. "Are you okay?"

Shelby shook her head. "She doesn't want me to fight. She thinks I'm going to die."

"That's why we need to go with you!" Chase went over to them and pulled Kendall over to him as he sat on the bed.

"No!" the Pink Ranger snapped. "This is my problem and mine alone."

"That is not true!" The three of them turned to see Tyler and James at the door. "It's a problem for all of us. You need to let the rest of us help."


Tyler and his father walked over to Shelby's side, glaring at her fiercely. "We're. Coming. With. You!" the Red Ranger snarled. Shelby sighed, putting her head in her hands as the pair switched sides. Kendall shrank closer to Chase, shivering, but managed to make her voice strong. "He's right. We have to go." She moved off the bed. "We can call the others on the way."

"Fine." Chase led Shelby, Tyler, James, and Kendall out of the room, using his Dino- Com to summon Prince Phillip, Ivan, Zenowing, Riley, and Koda and telling them to meet at the city plaza. They obeyed his order, getting there about 5 minutes before he did.

"Alright..." Ivan panted as he went over to the Black Ranger. "What are we doing? When you told us about this Henry, you said that he might attack at any moment. Should we just... wait?"

"Yes," he replied. "In fact, I think everyone should morph just in case. This guy is dangerous."

"Unleash the power!" The cry followed with each of the Rangers as all of them were encased by their suit and armor.

"Now keep on the lookout for any sudden movements." Chase instinctively maneuvered toward Shelby, who, under her helmet, was looking a bit irritated and backed away hotly. "He's naturally going to go for-"

"LOOK OUT!" An outcry rose from Prince Phillip, merging with a scream from Kendall as a shadow flew through the middle of the group. They turned toward the spot where it had come from and spotted the Purple Ranger grappling with a figure dressed in black completely. Kendall's Plesio-Sword was keeping the rival dagger at bay, but whoever it was was pushing hard on it and trying to stab her to disable her morph.

"Get away from her!" Shelby and Tyler cried simultaneously. They lifted their T- Rex Smasher and Tricera Drill and charged. The unknown individual looked up and pulled out two other weapons and threw them. The two Rangers made the duck-and-roll move and rushed to attack again, but the person put their hand out and some kind of force-field thrust Tyler backward. Shelby was temporarily stunned and Kendall's attacker scrambled off of her, launching himself at her. She gasped as he bowled her over and she pushed her Tricera Drill up to defend herself. He pulled a strange device out of his pocket and flipped a switch on it. Immediately, four metal objects shot out of it and placed themselves in a large square on the ground. A blue light radiated from them and created its own force-field around him, Shelby, and Kendall. Zenowing, Riley, and Koda ran up to it and tried to strike with their weapons, but they bounced harmlessly off of it. The person threw off his hood, revealing the intimidating face of Henry. He stood over Shelby and brandished another long knife, which was glowing with a pale green brightness. A lightning bolt shot from it and flashed against her chest, making Shelby's morph disappear and she writhed in pain as it snaked along her body. Kendall picked up her sword, gripping it tightly in her covered hands as she stood up, and swung it at Henry. However, he astonishingly let go of his dagger with his left hand and caught the blade with it as it came toward him. A purple light darted along the blade and flew up her body, vanishing into her helmet. A moment later, she shrieked, her hands slipping from the sword hilt as her morph dissipated as well, and she fell harshly beside him.

Henry looked down in triumph at the helpless Shelby, then at Kendall, who had just become unconscious, her teeth still clenched together. He released the force-field around them and flared up at the other Rangers.

"You really thought you could destroy me, even with your pathetic morphing powers?" he taunted, a sneer growing on his face. "Shelby is going to pay for deserting me and as for your other friend, I sent poison running through her and soon, she will perish. Never underestimate me."

"And you can never underestimate us!" Henry hadn't realized that Ivan, Tyler and Prince Phillip had disappeared from the group when he saw them. Too late he saw the attack as the three of them blasted him in the back with two Dino Blasters. He collapsed beside Shelby, the glare on his face hardening like stone.

Tyler mimicked his glare. "I'm pretty sure he'll think twice about hurting anyone now. Although, he might not be able to because I'm pretty sure that killed him."

"Really?" Shelby murmured.

The Red Ranger stepped closer to them, releasing his morph as Shelby cautiously laid a hand on Henry's body and let out a sigh of relief. "He's gone."

Yes! Chase thought, but the moment of relief didn't last long. He remembered that Henry had mentioned poisoning her and was slightly panicking. He went over to help Shelby up, then turned towards Kendall, the dismay inside him growing fast. "K- Kendall? Are you okay?"

She didn't respond.

"Kendall, wake up." He slowly picked her up, the gentle rise and fall of her chest the only thing still telling him she was alive. A slight purple glow was flashing through her wrist and quickly moved up to her neck, circling around it maliciously.

"What is wrong with her?" Koda questioned as he, James, Zenowing, and Riley paced over to them, glancing alarmingly at the violet light.

"He was right," Chase whispered. "She's been poisoned. Henry's last act on Earth. It's too late; she's really going to die this time."

Power Rangers Dino Super Charge- BetrayedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora