Chapter 18- Heckyl's Prisoner, Part I

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The months after Kendall was brought back were almost peaceful. The Rangers rescued Heckyl and he became their ally as they defeated his evil counterpart, Snide, and Sledge. But soon after, Heckyl began to become jealous. He didn't like the fact that Chase and Kendall were in love. In fact, he absolutely despised Chase, though he always pretended to be nice to him. Ever since he had saved her from getting hit by the car, he had wanted her to himself. Maybe he could finally do something about it...

The Rangers had stayed together even after the monster defeat and started/continued working at the Dino Bite Cafe- except for Prince Phillip, who kept doing his natural duties. Kendall now lived at Chase's house with him and because of this, Heckyl became outraged.

No one else is allowed to have her! She will be mine! he thought angrily as he watched the two of them begin to close up the cafe alone. But as Chase went over to the restrooms and disappeared inside one of the doors, a plan quickly began to form in his head. As Kendall took her hair out of its usual ponytail to organize herself, Heckyl went up behind her and placed a hand on her left shoulder. She turned her head slightly, blinking surprisingly at him. "Oh, Heckyl, it's just you." She handed him the hairband. "Can you help me with this?"

He redid her ponytail, but accomplished the task with one hand, keeping the other where it was. Kendall stared at him in confusion. "What are you doing?"

"I need you." He gently kissed the top of her head.


"You're staying with me."

"No, I'm not. Let me go!"

Heckyl tightened his grip and with the other hand, he grasped her right arm and growled, "Stay with me or pay the price."


"Fine," he spat. "Have it your way."

A pale blue light surrounded them and Kendall's frantic cry was cut off as Chase came out of the bathroom just in time to see them vanish. "Kendall!"

When Kendall finally felt her feet hit a solid surface again, she began to run, but instead slammed into a wall of metal bars and fell to the ground. When she got up again, she realized that she was in a cage with solid 3 walls and ceiling and one wall of bars. She looked out of the bars and recognized the prisoner holdings of Sledge's old ship. How, though? I thought this ship was destroyed!

"Liking your time here already?" Kendall looked up as Heckyl materialized on the other side of her prison, laughing. "Now, let me have you or you'll be living a miserable life in there."

Kendall's eyes widened as she realized what he meant by that. "No way!"

"One day, Kendall. One day, you will be mine!"

"That's not going to happen!" Her throat grew dry as she said the words and sat down on the bench near the back wall of her cage. Heckyl laughed again and walked away. Kendall sank back against the wall, a tear slipping from her eye.

He doesn't know what it was like when I was killed and came back to life. He doesn't know the pain I went through. That's what makes him wrong for me, other than the fact that he locked me up and is holding me hostage.

Then she thought of something. She still had her phone. However, she hadn't charged it at the café and it was only at 3%, not to mention hat her battery sometimes ran out fast. The first person that popped into her mind was Shelby. Though she had betrayed her before, it hadn't been her fault and she was the one who would rally the rest of the Rangers. Chase would then take over to complete the rescue mission- if there was one. Slowly, she went to her contacts and called Shelby. She answered in about 10 seconds flat, which, however, brought her battery down to 1%.

"Kendall, where are you?"

"Shelby, help! I've been captured! He- he's going to make my life miserable, he said. I need you!"

"Where are you and who has captured you?"


Unfortunately, the battery on Kendall's phone died at that exact moment and the words trailed away. No, no, NO! This can't be happening! More tears ran down her cheeks, but on the inside, she was begging for help in every way she could.

"Here is your food for today." Kendall tearfully looked up again as Heckyl slid his arm between the bars, a tiny bowl of soup clutched in his hand. She glared hatefully at him.

"Do you want it or not?" he snapped.

Kendall sighed, but reached out and took the soup. However, she put it on the floor and didn't take a second glance as Heckyl left again. As soon as he was out of sight, she stood up, took her glasses off, and then rammed herself against the bars, despite knowing that it was no use. The impact caused pain shooting through her body, but in her mind, it felt good. She was bound to go mad sooner or later if she didn't get out of this place. She made up her mind. If they didn't come for her and Heckyl had the best time to make her his, then she would leave. She didn't care where she went or if she died there. This was also Chase's true test for her to know if he truly loved her.


"Chase!" Shelby gasped as she dashed into the Dino Bite Café and halted beside the Black Ranger. "I... need... to tell you... something..." She was entirely out of breath.

"Listen, Kendall just disappeared, so I'm trying to find her. What you have to say can wait."

"But that is what I have to say. She's been captured."

"How do you know that?"

"She called me from her phone. However, I think the battery on her phone died before she could tell me who captured her or where she was."

Chase's eyes suddenly blazed with fury. "Heckyl."


"Heckyl. He was our ally, but I could see that he liked Kendall and was jealous of me and her being together. I've seen the way he looks at her. It must have been him. It's the best explanation."

"If we find him, he's in big trouble. I'll destroy him with my bare hands!" Shelby snarled. "But... how do we find him?"

Back at the ship...

If I don't get out of here soon, what will happen to me? I can't stay here forever. I can't leave Chase. But what if I can't trust Shelby to help?" she murmured to herself. "What if she was just faking that?"

She didn't know what to do now.

"Who can I trust now?" Kendall sighed. "It feels like... there's nothing left of me."

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