Chapter 16- Traits Revealed

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However, a few days after Kendall's death, Chase still hadn't calmed down. He turned away from everyone who greeted him and even stormed away from his ex-girlfriend Kaylee whenever she came across him. He needed to find Prince Phillip, Riley, and Koda. Despite Kendall's declaration about them, Keeper had confirmed that they were not yet dead and were searching the city for him. He could not understand why that would be so, for they hadn't showed any interest in him before. But now, the Rangers were looking for each other. In his heart, Chase knew that even though Kendall was gone, there had to be some way to bring her back; she had been a Power Ranger and therefore earned that right. The Black Ranger absolutely knew that if he found the other three Rangers, he would unlock the answer to that mystery.

"Oh, where are you, Graphite?" Chase hissed, once again diving into the alley where the biggest catastrophe of his life had occurred. A small bloodstain still lay abandoned on the dusty ground and Chase ran past it, trying not to look back at it. He'd scoured the whole city that day, so what was he missing?

"Looking for us?" Chase held his breath as he heard the familiar voice of the Green Ranger behind him. He spun around with fists raised, ready to attack.

"Whoa!" Riley stepped back, as did Prince Phillip and Koda. "Don't attack. We just need to talk to you."

"There's nothing to talk about!" Chase shouted, slowly backing away. "You killed her! You murdered Kendall! Get away from me!"

"I told you that is what happened!" Koda snapped at the other two. "That is what he made us do."

"What do you mean?" Chase's eyes narrowed.

"We never meant to betray Kendall!" Prince Phillip protested. "Even though we saw it all, it wasn't really us. We weren't in control of our own minds. Our minds and actions were under the control of Snide."

"And what makes you think that I'll believe you?" Chase retorted.

The Prince glared at him as he suddenly pulled something shiny and violet out of his back pocket. It was the Purple Energem! How had he acquired that?

"I could have destroyed it, like Shelby did before when I controlled her. But I didn't. Snide made me do everything. When Miss Morgan didn't give him the Purple Energem, he felt that if he destroyed her at all costs, then he could finally get it from her. He also thought that she was the second-in-command protector of the Energems and you know where that could lead. Snide could only control three of us at once, so he made me become able to control Shelby. Soon enough, he couldn't hold that connection any more, so she was released from it later."

"I'm sorry," Riley murmured, shaking his head as Prince Phillip stepped forward and handed Chase the Purple Energem. "I am aware that what we did can never be forgiven. But is there any way that we can redeem ourselves in your eyes even a little bit?"

"Well..." Chase peered down at the Purple Energem. "No, not unless..."

"Not unless we can help bring her back?" Prince Phillip finished. Chase nodded.

"But how can we do that?" Koda objected. "I mean, she's... you know."

"But I know there's a way!" Chase retorted. "She was a Power Ranger, there might still be a way to use her Energem to bring her back. When I saw that she was going to die, I believed the opposite, but now I see that it is really so. We can use this..." He held up the Purple Energem. "...and combine its full powers with the same strength of the other Energems and Dino Chargers. We might just manage it."

"Are you sure?" Riley asked anxiously. "One mistake and we could sever our connection to her forever."

"We'll have to risk it." Phillip shook his head. "I- I can't believe what we did to her. What I did to her."

"And you can apologize to her when she's back," Chase replied. "Let's go." He took off, breaking through the center of the group, and the other three Rangers immediately followed behind him as he ran back towards the Amber Beach Museum.

As they ran, Chase's mind was instantly filled with images of the good times he and the Purple Ranger had had together. He wanted nothing more than to have Kendall back and now that her killers had defected back to the side of good, they could help him go through with that task. The Purple Energem felt hot in his hands.

No one can take Kendall from me. No one.

The alley where the Rangers had found each other was a long way from the museum, so it took about a half hour for them to get back. They burst through the double doors in a frenzy, darting toward the lab. As they exited the elevator, Chase noticed the machine that they had used before sitting in the center of the room, with nine of the ten Energem resting in the canisters. The others must have gone back down to get it and brought it back.

What really alarmed him was the fact that Keeper and Zenowing were nowhere to be seen. What did Keeper do with Kendall's body?

He walked forward and placed the Purple Energem in the last of the slots. "Where are the others?"

"We're right here," Tyler exclaimed from behind them. When he, James, Ivan, and Shelby saw Riley, Prince Phillip, and Koda, they promptly struck up defensive positions.

"What are they doing here?" James snapped.

"Listen, they..." Chase began.

"They slaughtered Miss Morgan!" Ivan yelled.

Quickly, Chase explained everything that the former traitors had told him. Shelby was the only one who still looked suspicious at the end of his story, which Chase found was completely expected. She had to have still been on edge from the fact that the past impostors had once controlled her and made her almost become the cause of Kendall's demise. He and Tyler both knew that she hated being painted as something that she didn't want to be, especially as a murderer. But after some comforting words from the Red Ranger, she finally calmed down a bit.

"We need to combine all of our powers to make this work." Everyone jumped in shock as Keeper emerged out of the shadows, with Zenowing right behind him. "That memorial service I brought you all to was just so it would keep all of your anger at bay while you figured out what you really needed to do to bring her and your memories back to life."

"Summon your Dino Chargers for your blasters," Zenowing ordered. As the instructions were followed, the Silver Ranger did the same and Keeper brandished his staff.

"We must direct the power right at the Energems and they'll cast her solid form and life beside them. Also, we need to use our full power, otherwise it won't work. Ready?"


The Red, Pink, Black, Green, Blue, Gold, Silver, Graphite, and Aqua Rangers all wielded their Dino Morphers.


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