Chapter 28- Memories

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Kendall had been wise to reassure Shelby in the way that she did, but after she woke up again and began to go through the next day, she was starting to scare herself into thinking that what she'd said to the Pink Ranger before may be the opposite of what could really happen. She was afraid. She had always been afraid. A week passed by and she only continued to grow more paranoid about what Henry would do to any of them when he returned.

"Why am I even doing this?" Kendall muttered to herself as she went upstairs and fell back on the bed again, the one she and Chase had began to share. An overwhelming amount of emotions rushed through her.

She hadn't always been the way she was, especially since she had been constantly taunted and bullied from elementary school until college. Though her parents had paid for her early admission to her college, they hadn't cared before about anything that happened to her before then. They didn't appear to notice when she came home with bruises and cuts all over her body or when she was attacked by a gang when she was 17. Before Chase and her other friends, no one had ever cared about her the way they did.

Everyone hated me until I met the other Rangers. I became fierce because I was tormented when I was younger, but why is it only them that seem to respect me?

The memories came fast and hard, images flying through her head of the many people that had harmed her in her life, the blood in her veins turning to ice as the pictures and names of Prince Phillip, Riley, and Koda popped into her head. She knew that they had not meant to betray her, but couldn't help wondering why Snide or Heckyl hadn't tried to control them again. So many thoughts! What is going on? A blazing headache beginning to hit her, she got up from the bed and closed the door. She just wanted to be alone. The window was open too, so she went over to it, taking in a deep breath of fresh air before closing it, ready to go down to Chase and end the thoughts inside her for good.

And the glass was smashed open. Pain split her body and blood filled her eyes, turning her environment red. She screamed Chase's name and the last sound she heard before blacking out was a maniacal laugh that echoed throughout the entire house, mingling with her outcry as the world around her faded into agony.


"Kendall?" Chase yelped as he heard an earsplitting shriek from the room that he and his girlfriend shared, accompanied by a loud cackle that smothered it completely until it stopped. Shelby and Riley, who were sitting right beside him, also became alert, speedily following him as he raced upstairs.

"What... is... going... on?" Shelby puffed restlessly.

A gasp broke from Chase as he opened the door to his room.

"See anything?" Riley asked.

The Black Ranger said nothing, but instead rushed into the room, slamming the door shut behind him. Shelby put out her hand to block it from smashing her nose. "Chase, are you okay?"

"Guys... he's back."

Shelby pushed the door open and the heavy scent of blood immediately flooded through the air. Chase was kneeling on the ground, obstructing whoever the others were trying to see. She moved to the side and her eyes widened, her hands moving to her mouth, instantly knowing whom he was referring to. Kendall was sprawled beside him, bleeding massively from her chest and head.

"Oh God..." Shelby breathed as she backed away. "This is my fault... Henry was taking revenge on her because she stopped him from attacking me." She began to sob quietly. "After all she's been through..."

"Shelby, wait!" Riley called.

"I can't! You remember how many people have literally been trying to kill her lately and how many times she's nearly died?" she replied stiffly, trying not to shout. "Because of me, she'll be lost forever!" Her eyes narrowed. "That's it. He's terrorized me for too long. I'm going to face him on my own and destroy him. The only difference between this and Kendall's battle with Arcanon is that I won't be the one hurt."

"No!" Riley attempted to grab her arm, but she slipped away from him and ran out the door. He turned back to Chase as Kendall's eyes opened, staring straight at the one leaning over her. "Chase... help me..." she whispered. "I- is Shelby here?"

"Chase, she went to destroy Henry," Riley spoke up.

"What?" Kendall pushed Chase away and sat up, clenching her teeth in pain. "He attacked me... I can't believe it... he's ruthless..."

"Riley, go after her. I'll take care of Kendall."

"Ugh..." Kendall groaned as Chase forced her to lay down again. He quickly texted Tyler and James to pick up a few things from the store and meet him back there, then looked back at his girlfriend, pressing his hands against her wounds. They didn't look fatal anymore now that the bleeding was slowing down, but he could tell she wasn't believing that herself.

"Kendall," he murmured. "What happened when he attacked you? Did he say anything?"

She blinked thoughtfully. "No. I just went to close the window and..." She shuddered. "...I knew it was him when... when pain and blood flooded over me. So far, he's the only one who wants to kill me right now. And this is what I get for trying to do the right thing."

Chase pulled Kendall closer to him, cradling her gently. "It's not your fault. You're the most innocent soul I know and I don't understand why everyone hates you."

"Me neither. This has been going on since I was super young. Even my own parents neglected me."


"Yes. Until I met you and the other Rangers, everyone has always hated me. The museum committee took pity on me and it was the only job I could get, so I stayed. But I've lived with shame all these years knowing that no one will ever care."

He sniffed. "That's so sad. But don't worry now. I care for you and so do the others."

She laughed slightly. "I'm wondering how long it will take you to believe that." Kendall pressed her lips to his.

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