Chapter 31- Weak

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Shelby, Tyler, and Chase had never run so fast. Their trip to the beach was long and hard, but they pushed on. When they finally got there, the camera crew was still there. Chase's eyes scanned the beach, looking for any sign of the paramedics, which he unfortunately didn't find. Instead, the camera went down and the reporter began walking off the beach.

"Wait!" Shelby called, intercepting her as her feet reached the edge of the sand. "Where is she?"

The reporter blinked. "Who?"

"You know who! The 'girl' you found earlier. Where did they take her?"

"Back to the hospital. There is a special emergency wing there that they just added. She is likely to be taken there if they find her. However-"

Shelby turned to the other two. "We have to go. If she's not there, we're in trouble."

"Wait!" she called. "She isn't there though. After the paramedics managed to resuscitate her, she woke up and ran off before anyone could stop her."

"Can you help us find her?"

"Of course. My name is Mei. What is the name of who you're looking for?"

"Her name is Kendall. I'm Shelby and this is Chase and Tyler."

"Don't worry. I will assist you with finding her every chance I get. I really hope you do."

"Let's call the others," she whispered to her friends.


"Ow," Kendall groaned as she stumbled and collapsed on the hard ground. She had arrived at her destination, which was the alley in which she'd been attacked the first time by the corrupted Prince Phillip, Riley, and Koda. It still brought back horrible memories for her, especially since they had murdered her right there and then. But even though she'd been brought back, she often wished now that it hadn't been so. The grief and suffering it had brought her since then was terrible for her. The only good thing that had come out of it all was that her and Chase's relationship with each other had grown stronger each day. That was the only reason she felt worthless at that moment. It was the only reason she felt guilty about leaving the Rangers alone, not to mention that she was already dying under her own power and from the fatal poison.

"Why?" she wondered. "Why does it feel like this is a conspiracy to destroy me?" If so, who would be involved in it? Arcanon must have been and Heckyl as well when he was evil. Henry must have joined as well to finish Shelby off first. But who else would want to... to kill me?

She angrily kicked out her right leg and accidentally hit the wall, sending pain radiating through her body. Mentally cursing, she limped closer into the darkness. Even in the daytime, no sunlight ever reached that alley. The lack of light was scaring her since she had just barely been saved from drowning in dark ocean water. She shivered, falling to her knees and slowly dragging her injured ankle behind her as she kept moving.

Suddenly, Kendall found herself become unable to breathe. She crumpled in the dust, gasping painfully as she pressed her hands against her chest.

"No!" she groaned, her struggles quickly growing more frantic. "This can't be happening!"

Then, as soon as the spasms had come, they disappeared, leaving the confused Purple Ranger laying stunned in the dirt. A hiss came from the garbage cans and boxes up ahead and she stiffened. Had the stray cats noticed her? She remembered encounters with them before and realized that they were fierce and didn't care about killing anyone and anything that came near them.

And then the attack came. As she edged closer, a huge mass of dark fur flew toward her, claws flashing out and ripping at her neck. Kendall yelped as the cat hissed again and continued its vicious assault. Her heart was pounding in her chest as she tried to throw the feline off. Unfortunately, just as the savage animal was pushed back, releasing its hold on her, many more leaped forward in its place. Jade and amber eyes glared at her from all sides as agony tore her apart. Screams echoed from her throat as she fell, crushed under the weight of numerous cats. She could feel hot blood streaming from her body and as she hit the wall again, more felines joined the already ambushing ones. Tears were spilling from Kendall's eyes as she kept trying to fight them off. Two cats slammed against the other wall and lay lifeless on the ground. That's going to be me soon, she thought fearfully. I have to fight harder! As hard as she could, she reared up and flung most of them off, her own head smashing into the wall behind her. The three remaining stared angrily at her, all mangy females, one with blue eyes, one with dark green, and one with bright yellow. The yellow-eyed one bared its teeth and claws and sliced a sharp claw through her head, motioning to the others to get away, which they did after doing the same thing. A simultaneous hiss broke from them before they bounded off. Kendall sank back against the ground, breathing heavily as scarlet washed over her eyes.

"Just my luck that I happened to wander across a bunch of savages," she muttered. The attack felines had torn a monstrous gash in her stomach, which made her grimace as she braced her hands against it. "Oh God... this hurts so badly..."

"What the heck just happened?" a voice called from a little while off. Despite the blinding haze of pain, she knew exactly who it was. How did Riley know where to find me?

She felt his footsteps draw closer and swallowed. Once the Green Ranger saw what had happened, he'd make sure she never ran away again. Kendall shut her eyes gently.

"Kendall?!" Riley breathed, kneeling beside her. "What are you doing here? And what happened to you?" He placed his hand against her wound and she instinctively struck him in the shoulder. He reeled back, blinking in surprise. "What was that for?"

"You were hurting me!" she snapped furiously. "I forgot about the strays here and they're vicious! That attack..." She stopped in mid-sentence, temporarily unsure of what to say next.

"Kendall, it doesn't matter. From what I heard, you ran away deliberately and are already dying. You have to come back. I will take you."

"No!" Kendall shook her head. "I'm not going back! Leave me to her die."

"There is absolutely no chance of me agreeing to do that. Chase wouldn't want that to happen. Remember how much he cares about you." He wrapped one arm around her waist and the other around her legs and managed to lift her up off the ground. "Wow, you're really light."

She didn't reply and soon, Riley realized that she'd fallen unconscious. He used his Dino-Com to reach Chase and let him know what had happened.

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