Chapter 36- Final Defeat

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When Michaela's words reached the Rangers' ears, they really began to fight. Most of them managed to slit the throats of their captors, the others crippled them so badly they wouldn't live for much longer, and rushed to help fight the woman. She was fighting as hard as she could, but eventually she was overpowered and killed.

"You little-!" Michaela cursed as she suddenly stabbed Kendall in the stomach and threw her towards her friends, then dove into the bushes. Too late, they realized what was happening. Chase stayed with Kendall, trying to stem the bleeding of her wounds, while the rest of them charged in Michaela's direction. But by the time they got there, Mei had been knocked out and stabbed in the shoulder and Shelby was currently held down by Michaela. Ivan went over to help Mei, but the rest of them stayed still. The point of Michaela's knife was already piercing through Shelby's arm. She wanted to savor the moment. Shelby had just woken up from unconsciousness and stared up at her attacker with terror in her eyes.

"Michaela, why are you doing this?" Cameron gasped out. "Kendall might have accidentally done something you didn't like, but Shelby did nothing to you! Why are you hurting her? And Mei... you didn't even know she was part of our team until today." She cast a glance over at Ivan, who was carefully covering up the wound on Mei's shoulder.

"Your friend shouldn't have tried to stop me," Michaela growled. "And Shelby was there. She defended her. I will kill both of them... and there's nothing you can do to stop me." Without hesitating, she slashed the knife deep into Shelby's arm.

"NO!" Tyler ran forward, but Michaela was fast and quickly plunged the dagger through Shelby's chest before she sprang away again, taking the bloody weapon with her. Shelby let out a cry of agony that echoed throughout the woods and Tyler threw himself down beside her, sobbing.

"Out of the way!" Cameron and Heckyl then pushed their way through the Rangers and dashed over to them. Tyler moved away slightly as they began to use their powers again, tears streaming down his face.

"Wait a minute..." Then it struck Riley that Michaela had disappeared. "Chase!" he called to him. "Be careful; she's going after Kendall again!"

A loud snarl told them that she had already gotten to them. Simultaneous cries of anguish from both the Black and Purple Rangers said that she had hurt one of them. Another shout from Kendall, worried them, as it said that she could have been knocked out or possibly killed. With a few of them hurt and being taken care of and with Tyler in the state he was in, the fighting team had dwindled down to Riley, Koda, Prince Phillip, Chase, James, and Zenowing. The rest of them regrouped with Chase, standing in front of Kendall's body, shielding her from Michaela. Chase carefully slipped the rest of them their Energems and the six of them morphed. Michaela took a step back, a touch of surprise flashing across her face, then narrowed her eyes.

"Please," she muttered. "You think you can outwit me? I've been using your friends against you. Even with Heckyl and Cameron helping you, they can't delay the inevitable. Step aside. Make me not have to hurt you like I did your other friend."

"No chance," Koda snapped menacingly. "Now go away and leave Kendall alone."

"And why would I do that? There's absolutely nothing you could say to me that would make me."

With astonishing height, she suddenly jumped, going high over the Rangers and landing perfectly next to Kendall. Chase ran forward instantly, but as soon as he reached them, Michaela once again put her knife against Kendall's throat.

"Do anything to me," she hissed, "and she goes down with me."

But Chase wasn't entirely thinking straight. If he didn't help her soon, she'd eventually die of blood loss and besides, she seemed too weak to fight back at the moment.

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