Chapter 25- Arcanon's Final Act

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Chase woke the others early the following day and they all exercised and trained that morning, wanting to be ready to battle Arcanon. Deep down, all 9 of them were afraid, especially since none of them would put it past Kendall to escape the hospital and try to fight with them.

"Chase..." Shelby sighed, walking in a wobbly line over to him. "Where did Tyler go?"

"He's inside." Chase caught the Pink Ranger as she stumbled. "Are you okay?"


"That's not true. Something is wrong with you."

Shelby sniffed. "Is it that obvious?"

"You can't even walk straight. We haven't been training that hard."

"I- I'm just worried about Kendall. Even though she was hard on me at first, I feel like she's a really important part of my life, but I can't get the thought out of my head that it's eventually going to come down to saving her or Tyler."

"But you love Tyler and Kendall would always be willing to sacrifice herself for her friends. Just don't think about it now."

"Fine." Shelby turned away from him and limped back into the house. Only Chase, Riley, Koda, James, and Zenowing remained outside.

Zenowing came up behind Chase. "Don't worry about her. Continue training with us."

The distraction was great, but the training kept reminding everyone of the huge threat growing near. This only made them more fierce, almost as if they were fighting for their life.


The bright sun was overwhelming as Kendall opened the window, letting the light pour into her room. She knew that her friends were going to fight Arcanon and she couldn't let that happen. Despite the pain rushing through her body as well, she felt full of energy and strength. She had to find her enemy before the other Rangers did. Glancing left and right and seeing no one, which made her let out a breath of relief, she grabbed the windowsill and swung herself out. Little did she know that someone had seen her go. A clone of Doctor Mason, who rubbed his hands together gleefully. "She wants to fight, so be it."

Freedom felt so exhilarating! But Kendall's brief moment of excitement was darkened when she remembered what her mission was, not to mention that she might not survive fulfilling it. The emotions were overwhelming her, but she forced herself to press on. Thoughts of the Rangers were whizzing through her mind, but she shoved them away as gradually as she could.

Then came the thing that she had not planned for at all. A blast of agony like a foghorn ripped through her, sending her to her knees in the grass. Kendall bit her lip to not scream, but it was extremely hard. The overpowering torture was killing her, but she made herself stand up and walk. The pain grew with every step, but Kendall tried to move with confidence. After a half hour, she found herself next to the ravine that had nearly caused her death before, when Prince Phillip, Riley, and Koda had been manipulated into betraying her.

"Looking for me?" The Purple Ranger spun around, shock pulsing through her veins. Arcanon, you are going down!

"Of course I am!" she spat, balling her hands into fists. "And I'm going to make you pay for everything you've done! You're never going to hurt anyone again!"

Arcanon considered her, which made Kendall glad that she had slipped on some actual clothes on top of her bandages before she'd left the hospital. "You have no chance against me. Our battle from before has weakened you. Let this be your last."

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