Chapter 17- A New Journey Begins

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The Dino Rangers all morphed and immediately pointed their blasters at the Energems, setting them to a special restoration mode.

"On my mark," Keeper declared. "One..."

The blasters began to charge up.


Chase took a deep breath as he readied himself for the moment that would likely repair the crack in his life.

"Three... FIRE!"

Ten bursts of energy shot from the Dinovolvers toward the Energems that stood in a circle at the center of the lab. As they hit the Energems, an explosion of light radiated from them, enveloping all of the Rangers, but they kept their grip and continued firing the power.

"Keep going!" Shelby shouted. "Don't stop! If one of us fails, fire twice as hard!"

The second she uttered those words, she felt her hands begin to burn and a wave of pain crashed over her. She released the blaster for a moment, falling backwards against the wall and demorphing. Tyler gasped as he noticed his girlfriend fall and added more power into his blaster. For a moment, it looked as if it wasn't going to work. Riley was struggling not to slip while firing and Koda was trying not to fall back. Chase began to grow frantic. If they didn't succeed, Kendall would be gone forever. Shelby fought to overcome the dark wave of unconsciousness descending over her like a swooping hawk as she tried to get up.

Chase silently begged Kendall's spirit to let them get it over with and accomplish what they had been seeking to do. Shelby's mocha-colored skin was getting paler by the moment as she attempted to use the strength she did not have.

"Shelby, let us handle this!" the Black Ranger yelled over the roar of the blasters. "We can't let you die too!" The Pink Ranger sighed, but slid back down to the floor.

A howl of wind swept over the Rangers.

"It's working, everyone!" Keeper exclaimed. "Stop firing!"

The Rangers all ceased their crossfire at the same time, but a ball of light remained where they had been shooting at, surrounding the Energems and the area next to it. All of them held their breath as, after a few minutes, it turned purple and began to fade. Chase demorphed and his eyes widened as the light drew back from the Energems and began to assume the distinct shape of a female person. Suddenly, the light exploded outwards and disappeared. Everyone shielded their eyes for a moment, then gasped together. Kendall had returned. She stood still in the previously empty space, blinking in surprise as she looked up, clearing dust off of her glasses.

"I- I'm back?"

"Kendall!" Chase ran forward and wrapped his arms around her, pressing her against him lovingly. Kendall reciprocated the gesture, reveling in the moment that had just greeted her when she'd come back. The rest of them stared with shock and excitement as they demorphed, except for Tyler, who had gone to help Shelby up.

"Kendall, I'm so sorry I couldn't save you before," Chase apologized. "I..."

"It's okay," the Purple Ranger murmured. "You can't save everyone."

Chase pulled away as the other Rangers went to greet her. Prince Phillip, Riley, and Koda hung back.

"Miss Morgan, we have something we need to show you," Ivan said, guiding her back to the three retreating former traitors. Kendall immediately tried to scramble backwards out of Ivan's reach, smashing into Shelby and Tyler, which sent all three of them to the floor. Riley went to boost her up again as Tyler did the same with the Pink Ranger, but Kendall moved away with a panicked look on her face. "How did they get in here?"

"Miss Morgan, calm down!" Shelby cried. "They're on our side now!" Quickly, she repeated what Chase had told them, but Kendall didn't seem convinced.

"How do we know they're telling the truth?" Kendall spat.

Keeper stepped forward and placed one hand on her shoulder. "I believe them," he stated calmly.

"There you have it," Tyler snapped. "If we can't trust Keeper, we can't trust anyone."

Prince Phillip took a few steps toward the Purple Ranger and grasped her hand gently. Kendall flinched, but started to relax at the touch as she looked into his eyes.

"Fine," she agreed at last. "I think I can trust you."

The Prince released her, nodding, and she edged back over to Chase, laying her head on his shoulder. Everyone went over to the Energems and each fetched their own. Kendall held up her Purple Energem and it glinted in the light.

"Now that we've accomplished what we wanted to, why don't we leave Miss Morgan alone so she can recover?" Tyler said, winking at Chase. "You can help her out with that." Both Chase and Kendall laughed.

"Come on, Kendall," Chase suggested. "Follow me." Kendall then allowed the Black Ranger to lead her out of the lab and out of the museum.

"Is Shelby okay?" Keeper inquired when they had left.

"I'm fine," Shelby gasped out, still recuperating from the effects of her previous energy depletion as she leaned against Tyler. The girl avoided the Rangers' gazes by glancing back at where the other two Rangers had just exited the room.

Meanwhile, Chase led Kendall back over to his house, which was no longer a runaway refuge, but just a regular place to live- and bond. As she followed him back up to one of the rooms that wasn't his own, a brief flash of emotion appeared in her eyes. It wasn't like any loving look she had ever shown and she instantly tried to hold it back. Chase let her through first and she clambered onto the bed, taking off her glasses and placing them on the small table next to it. He couldn't help smiling as she glanced back at him with a confused gaze and beckoned him over to her. Chase rolled his eyes and heeded the call.

"Kendall, do you you really need me here?" he sighed. An insightful nod answered him and he swiftly climbed into the bed beside her. Kendall immediately moved closer to him and laid herself against him.

"Chase... I hated that there was a possibility I could be separated from you. When I died, it felt like the world was ripping me away from everything I cared about and when I was brought back, it made me realize that I could never leave you again, not until it was really time."

"I was absolutely depressed when you left as well." Chase wrapped an arm around Kendall and planted a small kiss on her forehead. A small smile formed on her beautiful features and she kissed him back, pressing her lips against his. They both closed their eyes, letting themselves be taken into heaven.

As the last effects of the blissful kiss faded, the two Rangers lay back in the bed together and Chase pulled the sheets up on top of them.

"You ready for a new beginning?" he whispered, curling his body around hers.

"I'm ready and I trust you."

And so their new journey began.

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