Chapter 38- Rise And Fall Reverse

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For a while, everything seemed all right with the team. Mei and Cameron were settling in nicely, Kendall was steadily recovering from the shock of Michaela's attack, and the café was getting back on track.

But there were two people who still threw everything off course. For starters, Tyler was still trying to get over the assault on his own girlfriend.

But then there was Shelby herself.

Soon, she was in worse danger than anyone could have ever imagined. The breaks inside her had somehow damaged her heart and she'd been in the hospital for over two months while it was being fixed. But even though the breaks were fixed, her heart was still in great peril and she was in horrible agony almost every single day. Once Tyler had gotten to know, which was about a few weeks after she had come there, he had been allowed to move into a staying room at the hospital. He visited her every day as much as he can, but it always ended with her having to be knocked out after the spasms hit her. Every night, he'd end up sobbing in his room as he remembered the attack that had left Shelby like this. A couple times a week, the other Rangers, a few at a time, would visit him as well, trying desperately to comfort him and taking a quick trip to his sleeping girlfriend's room as well.

However, it didn't always help. As Shelby grew weaker and weaker, Tyler became more and more depressed. His dad could sometimes provide good comfort to him, but it would disappear as soon as he left. Shelby succumbed to a terrible sickness that came with her heart problem. She no longer recognized the Rangers when they came, not even Tyler. Most of all, it always seemed like she couldn't get any worse.

But one day, Chase went back to the café at a time after it closed, looking for his hat that he'd left, only to find Kendall crying on the floor behind the counter. He could tell that she'd lost control again. She knew she was no longer like the fierce, formidable mentor they all knew her to be, but she always felt like she still had to hide her emotions until she was alone.

"Um... are you okay?"

She jumped, startled, as she turned back to him. "Hey... wait, what are you doing here? You... you should be with the others at Riley's..."

"Look, I know you sleep in the lab, but why come up here in the first place?"

"Don't forget, Zenowing and Keeper are there too. I can't let them see me like this." Kendall shuddered.

"Kendall..." Chase got down on the floor beside her and she fell into his arms like a rag doll. "I know it hurts. And I know what you're thinking right now. But you didn't have a part in what happened to Shelby at all. Whatever happened back then with Michaela... she defended you because you guys were close back then, more so than ever. It was because of that fact that she wanted to kill her as well as you."

"And she might succeed!" Kendall gasped tearfully. "I hate that she was my cousin, but even though she's dead now... she hurt Shelby enough that she could die too! If I hadn't needed her to defend me, she'd be fine now."

"But she will be fine!" Chase protested.

"Chase, I've seen her already!" she retorted, sitting up. "She'd be better off dead than where she is!"

"Oh no, don't say that!" The Black Ranger recoiled in horror. "She deserves to live a good life, free from whatever plagues her now. She doesn't need to be killed just because of something she chose to do."

"She may not deserve it, but she does deserve to be free." Kendall shakily got to her feet and attempted to wipe the tears off her face. "I'm going to see Tyler."


"He's depressed, Chase. He's barely eating and the worse Shelby gets, the worse he gets as well. Sooner or later, both of them will end up in the hospital."

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