Freckles ;

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I have always been


With the stars

And when I saw

The constellations

Speckled across your cheeks

And the bridge of your nose

I found that


Was much easier

During daytime. - Y/I

Dropping the folded piece of paper inside the locker, you hurried and ran back towards your two friends. "What did you write about him this time?" Your friend, Amour asked. Pulling your backpack higher on your shoulder, you bit your bottom lip softly. "His freckles." You replied.

Every week on Thursday after third period, your put one of your poems youve written about him in his locker. Youve been doing it for four months now. Last week, you wrote about his eyes and how everyone admired them because the sun showed the gold in them. "I'm so happy youre doing this, Y/N." Your other friend, Noelle stated. Shes the one that talked you into doing this. Noelle noticed how you'd always stare at him for a long time while also writing in your journal.

One day, she accidently looked over your shoulder in the free period. She can't help but be nosey.

"I just wonder how he feels about them. Do they make him happy? I just want to know." You spoke moving your hands because it bothered you so much you couldnt see his reaction when reading your poems about him. "I bet he loves them so much; he rereads them every night before bed. Every single one of them." Amour added making you feel a little better.

Hearing the bell for fourth period, you told them you'll see them in lunch and made your way to your AP Math class. This was the class where you first noticed him, Keith. Keith started coming to this school six months ago. At first he was quiet. Didn't talk to anyone but the teachers then he started making friends with people in his classes. Everyone liked him his first few months there until it happened.

Now he's lonely but you know he's never alone.

Walking into the class, you made your way to your desk. There isn't assigned seats but thats where you sit all the time so people don't sit in it. They're not scared of you or anything. They just know you as Y/N. The nice girl that doesn't bother anyone and helps everyone. So I guess its a respect thing.

Putting your math notebook, folder, and book in front of you, you waited for Keith to make his presence known. You only have one class with him and you hated it.

"Okay, now I can start the lesson," Mrs. Shepard spoke bringing your attention to the back of Keith's head. You didnt even see him walk in. You were so zoned out. "The rest of this week and next week, we have a big assignment. So that means..." She paused for dramatic effect. "Partners." Your classmates started goofing off and got hyped. "But, Im choosing everyones partners." Series of groans were heard. The clown in the class even said, 'Boo, Mrs. Shepard.' She told him to pick his balls up. Everyone knows Mrs. Shepard as the cool teacher. She doesnt take anything anyone says serious. People who arent in her classes know not to disrespect her or some of the seniors would go after them. She was loved.

Picking up a piece of paper from her desk, she started reading off names.

"Sabrina and Wiley"

"Brinlyn and Erin"

"Imogen and Taylor"

"Y/N and Keith"

"Keke and Trey"

"Aalliah and Aeric"

After she was done with that, she told everyone to move to sit next to their partners. Grabbing your things, you made your way to Keith. "Hey," You beamed once you were seated next to him.

"Hi, Y/N." He remarked doodling in his notebook. "Where do you want to work on this at? I would say my house buy my mom is getting some things done and dont want company for a while." Getting your notebook, you started writing down the assignment from the Whiteboard.

"My house is fine," Writing down his address on a piece of paper, he slid it towards you. "You can come by whenever after school." Nodding your head in understanding, you placed the piece of paper in your wallet.

The rest of the class, you secretly starred at him, counting his freckles and telling yourself why you loved them so much on his skin.


Part two coming in another day or so.

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