Chapter 9

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(Y/N) arrived at Jungkook's house in just 5 minutes after the phone call. He wasn't really expecting her to be this fast.

Actually he wasn't expecting her to really come at all. But it wasn't time to be thinking about such things. His Mother was taken by the ambulance and quickly sent to the hospital.

(Y/N) took care of everything on the way to his house. It wouldn't have been possible for ambulance to arrive this quickly but then again she's a Min.

She knew Jungkook didn't know what to do and was not thinking straight. She didn't say anything to the boy but she made sure he was feeling well. She drove the car with him seated beside her. It was a very quiet ride.


Jungkook waited for his Mother outside of the ER and all he could do was pray. (Y/N) sat beside him and comforted him as much as she could. He thanked her for being by his side but he was having a bad feeling about it.

The tall handsome doctor came out of the room and talked with (Y/N) because Jungkook was too scared to know the news. Also, she was close to that doctor who had actually prepared all the equipment and room required to perform surgery.

After they finished talking, the mood turned pretty serious. She glanced over at Jungkook who was panicking.

"Jin-oppa, can't you do anything about it?"

"I'm sorry, (Y/N) but it's impossible."

Jin glanced at the young boy and he didn't know how to tell him. Jungkook looked at them and he knew what was going on.

She didn't make it.

His heart fell. He didn't know what to do. He couldn't even cry. He shouldn't. He didn't have the rights to. If only he was stronger and worked harder then maybe she wouldn't have to suffer.

"Bunny... I'm sorry."

"It's fine, (Y/N). It's not your fault. I'm okay. Thank you for everything."

He stood up and requested Jin to see his Mother. He entered the room and saw her laying on the bed with her face covered. He slowly pulled down the sheets to look at her face.

"She looks so peaceful. I'm glad all the sufferings have ended."

(Y/N) looked at Jungkook and then at Jin. They decided to leave the boy alone with his Mother.


"Oppa, do you think you can help to prepare the funeral service for her?"

"Of course. That Jungkook boy. He's the one who sang at the bar, right?"

"Yeah he's the one."

Jin nodded and peeked through the door to check the younger boy. He sighed and folded his arms. After thinking for a bit, he decided to ask her the question he had been dying to.

"But is he the one?"

"He will never be him but he definitely is."

Jin smiled when she said that. He acknowledged her choice. He had always respected and took note of (Y/N)'s decisions. Probably because she's like a little Sister to him.

"If you say so. And also don't worry about the medical services. I'll help you with everything I can."


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