Chapter 27

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It had been an hour since the surgery started and yet there was no news. Jimin, Namjoon and Hoseok were freaking out while waiting for someone to at least come out and say something. The waiting was making them even more worried as time continued passing by without a care.

"How did this happen?"

The three turned their head to face a small figure who breathless and drenched in sweat. Yoongi received a call from Seokjin that his Sister and Jungkook got into an incident. The moment he heard that, he cancelled all meetings and rushed straight to the hospital.

The younger boys knew from the look on his face that he was definitely not in the right state of his mind. But being in charge of this case, Namjoon had to talk to his Hyung.

"The driver of the truck was drunk and..."

"And this happened?!"

"The driver wants to see you and apologise."

"Do you think I want to see him? If I did then I would have made him disappear from this freaking human world and you know I'm capable of that."

"I know, Hyung. All those matters had been taken care of. The most important thing right now is that there had been no news of their condition yet."

Yoongi slumped in his seat and covered his face with his hands. He just couldn't take in the reality. Hoseok and Jimin sat by his side so that he was in between the two. They placed their hands on his shoulders, hoping to calm him down.

For the first time since the surgery began, Seokjin came out. Yoongi ran to him and held his hands. The smaller boy was trembling in fear and his eyes were definitely out of focus. Based on Seokjin's expression, he knew the situation was not good.

The older one bit his lips and looked down to avoid eye contact.

"W-we need a heart donor... but there's none available right now. If we can't find any, we...we might lose her."

The moment he finished his sentence, Yoongi dropped onto the floor on his knees. He was gripping onto Seokjin's legs as support.

"H-heart donor?! Why is there none right now?! Get that damn driver and make him the donor!"

"Yoongi! We can't do that."

"(Y/N)!!!! Why did this have to happen to you?!"

He was already bawling his eyes out by then. He had lost himself completely. The boys couldn't do anything but watch the poor boy suffer. They were all in pain but Yoongi was the one having the hardest time.

Yoongi didn't have the strength to even stand up by himself. All the sleepless night and missing meals due to the business meetings had already drained all his energy away. His current condition would just worsen due to his constant worry about his sister.

His brain was starting to shut off because it had been overworked. Furthermore, his heart was not helping in any way. He could faint anytime soon.

Jimin and Hoseok helped him up and brought him to Seokjin's office so that he could get some rest until everything was done. He obviously did not want to but he didn't even have the strength to retaliate.


The moment Seokjin confirmed that Yoongi was resting well, he and Namjoon got down to business immediately. Time is limited and they need a donor real quick.

"With your connections, there should be at least one."

"I know, hyung. But the possibility is low. The blood has to be a match too."

They were too engrossed in their own conversation that they didn't notice that someone was standing before them.


The two turned around and their eyes widened.

"Tae...Taehyung. W-what's with the group of people?"

Taehyung was in his suit as he came straight from the airport and he was accompanied by his security force. Even though he would like to greet his hyungs properly, he didn't have any time to waste.

"I would like to talk to Seokjin Hyung alone."

Namjoon didn't like the idea of that. He didn't like the Taehyung who was standing in front of him. He knew that boy was up to something and that something was never good.

Taehyung knew it wasn't going to go according to his plan easily. Thye had known each other for a long time that they knew exactly how they would react to each other. He glanced back and within a split second, his men pulled out their gun, aiming at Namjoon, all at once.

"Kim Taehyung!"

"It's ok, Namjoon. Leave."

"But Hyung...."

Seokjin shook his head to show that it was best to leave. Namjoon clicked his tongue and left the place. Soon, Taehyung's men followed behind Namjoon, leaving only the two of them.


"So, what is it that you want?"

Taehyung took out a paper and passed it to Seokjin. The older one took it immediately and read it. He gasped in shock as he realised what Taehyung was up to.

"I cannot accept this."

"It's not for you to decide."


"It's a decision I made."

"This is ridiculous! Do you think this is a child's play?"

"We don't have time, do we?"

Seokjin couldn't answer that. He didn't have the confidence to. Taehyung let out a small sigh and smiled.

"It's fine Hyung. It's not your fault. It's my choice."


Seokjin couldn't believe what was happening and what he had to agree to doing. He didn't have a choice but to give in to the younger's request.

Taehyung was escorted to an empty room. There was no one there. It was the hidden area of the hospital that no one except the higher-ups had the access to. Before he entered, he passed a piece of paper to Seokjin, who waited outside.

"Please pass it to her."

Seokjin nodded and Taehyung entered the room. He didn't regret it. He didn't regret what he was about to do. He was actually relieved.

He reached to the inner pocket of his coat and took out a gun. He rubbed the cold metal with his thumb with a gentle smile on his face. He pointed the gun at his head.

"(Y/N)... Goodbye."

Seokjin closed his eyes as he heard the gun shot that sounded loudly in the quiet corridor. His heart thumping loudly as he knew what had happened inside the room. He gripped onto the letter that Taehyung gave to him and a tear dropped.


The surgery continued for hours without rest. It was only after a full four hour operation, Seokjin came out to meet the boys.

He had lost one but managed to save another.

"It was a success."

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