Chapter 16

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The party started when all eight of them were downstairs and after Jimin received a very long and heated scolding from Seokjin. Everyone was enjoying themselves except one.

(Y/N) noticed Jungkook standing at the side, away from the rest. He was being very quiet and did not seem like he was being himself.

Feeling worried, she went to him.

"Bunny, are you okay?"

He just stood there with his plate full of food. He did not reply though... actually he didn't even hear what (Y/N) said. His eyes were out of focused and his mind was blank.


He blinked when he heard (Y/N) shook him after calling a few times. That was when he actually got his conscious back but everything seemed blur. He blinked a couple times to get his vision back but it was no use.

"Are you not feeling well?"

His face was pale and he couldn't hear her properly. (Y/N) started to feel anxious and what happened next was not expected by anyone.

Jungkook unconsciously knelt down and vomited on the floor. He fainted soon after that.


Jungkook's Pov

My head was aching but my heart seemed to have calmed down. I opened my eyes and realised that I was back in my own room. I turned to my right and saw (Y/N)'s head laying on my bed where she sat beside and slept while holding my hand.

How can a human being be so attractive?

I tried getting up but my body felt heavy.

"You shouldn't be getting up yet. Get some rest first."

Jin-Hyung entered the room, with his sleeves rolled up. He picked up the bowl of water on my side table and walked towards the bathroom. A few minutes later, he came back and placed a hand on my forehead.

"Seems like you've gotten better. (Y/N) that kid though. She stayed up all night and just passed out a few minutes ago. She was really worried."

I blinked my eyes and looked at (Y/N) who was sleeping peacefully. She was holding onto my hand tightly as if she was afraid to let go.

But I'm just a replacement.


I turned back to Jin-Hyung. He must have noticed that I was thinking of something. He didn't judge me and just smiled.

"(Y/N) doesn't really know how to speak well. She's direct and doesn't really think a lot. Probably because she had to bear a lot of responsibilities since she's young. But she treasures each and every one of us. I hope you understand her."

I nodded my head. I understand what he's trying to say but the conversation I overheard kept playing in my head.

It's not like I didn't expect it. It's not like anyone did anything wrong. It makes sense anyways. Why did I even believe there was a possibility. I knew this from the start but...

But why does my heart ache this much? Why is it that I keep on wanting more?

Why did I fall in love with her?

End of Pov

••••••••••(While waiting for (Y/N) & Jimin)••••••••••

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