Chapter 12

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It was the first day of school and Jungkook was pretty much so excited that he couldn't sleep a wink the previous night. He got dressed up and checked himself in the mirror. He didn't really know what to wear since wearing uniform is an option.

Taehyung told him that no one really wore uniforms to school unless it's a special occasion. So, he had no choice but to choose from the little clothes that he had. He wanted to look his best on the first day but his clothes didn't really help much.

Just as he was trying another shirt, someone knocked on the door.

"Bunny! Can I come in?"

He unlocked the door and saw (Y/N) with her hands full of shopping bags. He quickly took those from her hand and carried them inside. He placed them on his bed where she asked him to.

"These are presents for your first day of school and for becoming our family. We'll have a party tonight to celebrate as well."

"But these are a lot..." He peeked through the bags and recognised some of the brand. He didn't want to accept these expensive gifts but he couldn't tear his eyes away from them.

"No it's nothing. I bought them long ago and they were on discount. Just get dressed. You'll be late for school."

He made an 'o' with his mouth and nodded his head.

After she left, he took out the clothes and giggled. He wore one and twirled in front of the mirror. He grinned and combed his hair.

"Not bad!"

(Y/N), who was standing behind the closed door, smiled when she heard him. None of the clothes were on discount. They were either limited editions or new arrivals. But if she didn't lie to him, he wouldn't accept them. She looked at her phone and went through her schedule.

"I guess I'm free to go shopping today as well."


Taehyung drove the car with Jungkook in the passenger's seat. The boy was too nervous that he couldn't sit still and continuously bombarded him with question.

Taehyung couldn't help but find the boy cute and answered all his questions patiently. Of course not forgetting to tell him to calm down and that everything will be fine in between.

The two arrived at school and Jungkook kept hiding behind Taehyung. Everyone came out of luxurious cars and were shining in their branded clothes. Jungkook felt small when he entered the school. He was literally holding his breath as he walked through the swamp of rich people.

He was relieved when he found out that he didn't have to formally introduce himself. The school was filled with people of different age and everyone was treated as actual business persons instead of students.

The school exists to only guide them with knowledge and treat them as mature working adults. There wasn't really any school policy in the first place which made Jungkook even more nervous as he wouldn't know what could happen.

While the two were walking along the hallway, they saw a pink hair among the crowd. Eventually that person turned to their direction and slowly moved towards them.

"Taehyungie and Jungkookie!"

Jungkook's face lit up when he saw the person standing before them.

"Jiminie Hyung! Hello."

Jimin stood in between them and placed his arms around each of their shoulders. He was just as excited to see them. Jungkook smelled something familiar on Jimin. He always had this scent on him.

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