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" there is an evil that lives inside us all. we all have the choice to keep it locked away, or open the box and set it free."

Lunch ended and I was back in class, this day felt treacherous and I just wanted to be back in my bed.

"You okay girl?" Graylen asks while standing next to me in the hall.

I nod my head and felt everything go light for a moment, everything around me was becoming blurrier by the second.

As though none of this was real

"I'm fine, just tired is all," I retort back, bringing a hand through my hair.

She pats my back before heading towards her next class while I began my way towards the library, ready to skip my next class.

Something felt off

I push open the doors and head towards the back, I slide down against the wall between two shelfs.

Pain was surging around my chest and it felt like I was suffocating again.

I'm not sure if it was being around the students or what, perhaps it was because of the dodgeball I got to the head.

I run a hand down my face and lean my head back against the wall while closing my eyes.

"What am I doing?" I question out under my breath.

I felt my head pound and clenched my fists tightly, my eyes remained closed and I listened to the silence throughout the library.

This was my favourite place to go when school days got too tough, I would skip and come here. They would never send anyone to look for me here because most thought I go home when I skip.

When in fact I'm still in the school, I just can't face the students or focus while in class. Shaking my head I grab the thermos in my bag that was filled blood.

I push the top and start drinking back the rich creamy blood. That sounds terrible I understand but at least I'm not out here murdering people in alleyways.

I snort under my breath, I was truly comical when I was by myself.

It always made me wonder if my mom was funny, because from what I can tell my father isn't really the joking type.

My other siblings are somewhat funny too though, I'm not sure if I can really talk because I haven't really been around them that long.

My cellphone rings and I answer without checking who it was, "This is Iliana," I say.

"Della, shouldn't you be in class right now?" I hear my father ask, causing a smile to cross my face.

"And you still called when you knew I was in class?" I retort.

He laughs out on the other end, "Very sneaky," He replies, "I want you to come over to you're Nana's tonight for dinner with the family," He says, causing a small frown to cross my face.

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