Chapter Two

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I wasn't going to post this but I'm kind of in love with this story okay I have like 5 chapters done already.

This is the last chapter I'm posting for a while.


"You are not wearing Yankees stuff to the game," Rachel told me. I rolled my eyes, refusing to take off the shirt I had just put on.

"No. It's my team and I'm going to wear the stuff."

"You can wear the hat but the shirt has got to go or you won't."

"Whatever," I mumbled, running back down to my room to change.

"Hurry up," someone yelled down the stairs. I couldn't find the t-shirt I wanted and that was apparently upsetting my roommates.

"Alright, let's go. I'm driving."

The four of us hopped in the truck and I started down the road. It would take us 45 minutes to get to the field if the traffic wasn't horrible. I turned up the radio, singing along to the song playing.

"What the hell is this?" Taylor looked over at me. I realized what we were listening to was extremely sexual.

"Oh.. Um shit.." I fumbled to try to change the playlist. Apparently I hadn't changed it since last night which means I was stripping. Sweet.

I shuffled my music, praying that a relatively tame song would start playing.

"That's a lot better. What the hell do you do in your free time?" Katie asked

"I just didn't change my music from last night.. That's all.." I cringed, waiting for the comments my friends would have.

Rachel was like, "You have a sex playlist?"

Taylor was like, "Someone finally got laid!"

And Katie was like, "Oh my God. Are we really talking about this right now?

"It's actually a strip playlist, but uhh.. Yeah I had sex last weekend so it really hasn't been that long."

"Wait, you were studying last weekend.." Katie recalled my plans from last weekend, "With that cute kid in your class. Is that a regular thing?" Her voice was getting higher than it needed to be when we're in a confined space. Even if the windows were down.

"Andy? No. We just needed a study break and hey, we hooked up."

"Isn't that weird?"

"Nope. Hey look, we're here!" I pulled into an open space far from the field.

We walked up together and Rachel handed us our tickets. It had been such a long time since I had been to a baseball game, I started to miss them. We got to our seats but I couldn't sit still to save my life so I went to go get drinks.

I came back with two beers and turned to Katie, "Hey you might be driving home tonight," she rolled her eyes and said something about hating driving my truck, especially when I'm in the passenger seat. There was still around 20 minutes until the game and I was looking around. The two men behind us had on these weird green hats. I laughed to myself and got out my phone.

"Hey, can I have a picture with you two?" They looked at each other and agreed.

"Scarlett, do you know who that is?" All my friends looked at me with wide eyes.

"Umm.. No. Should I?"

"Uh yeah. It's James Neal and Paul Martin from the Penguins."

"You're right. I should know that. I still want a picture," I handed my phone and beer to Katie and climbed over the seats to get in between the two of them, "Well thanks guys. I'm sorry but I just really like your hats."

Sure Feels Right // R. BortuzzoWhere stories live. Discover now