Chapter Four

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When fall semester started, I had taken a week off of work so that I could maybe go on vacation to Vancouver before class got too serious, but that plan fell through. Robert had started practice, so he wasn't always over here like he had been.

"Where's lover boy?" Katie asked as I cooked the four of us lunch.

"Probably at practice or sleeping. I don't really know. Most likely sleeping, to be honest."

"You two have been attached at the hip since the baseball game and it's been almost two months."

"I'm sorry I've found someone that respects that right now all I really want is someone to talk to."

"We just miss Scar," I felt like I was in the middle of an intervention. A Robert Bortuzzo intervention.

"None of you are ever here. You can't get mad at me because you all of you have been with your boyfriends," I took the chicken out of the oven and set it on the stove. I wasn't hungry, so I took one of the pieces and put it in a tupperware container then placed it in the fridge.

"I don't have a boyfriend," Taylor seemed offended that I would assume such a thing. I rolled my eyes and filled up my water bottle.

"But really. We think you need a break from this guy. You've been spending way too much time with him," Rachel finally came out and told me.

"So you want me to stop hanging out with Rob because I won't be here to cook and hang out with you when it's your convenience?" They all looked at me, confirming what I had just said, "Fuck you guys. I'll see you later."

"Where are you going?"

"The studio," I grabbed my duffel bag and my keys before heading out the door.

When I'm pissed I drive too fast. Or faster than I usually do, I guess. It would be a miracle if I didn't get pulled over. Then again on the freeway, everyone speeds. I weaved my way through traffic, Kesha playing a little louder than necessary.

I got to the gym and prayed that the dance studio wasn't being used. I had to park a ways away because apparently everyone decided to work out today. Walking into the building, it was obvious that there was some sort of tournament there. The studio was open though.

Once I was in the mirrored room and the door was closed, I shed my sweats and long sleeved shirt to reveal a pair of spandex shorts and a loose tank top. It had been a while since I had been here so I took my time with stretching. The guy working said I had a few hours before it was going to be used.

I plugged my iPod into the speakers and started one of my dance playlists. This one was all my lovey, slow kinda songs. I don't know why I chose this, but I was in the mood for a little Ed Sheeran. I think I had gone through the entire playlist, or close to it at least. My ponytail was slowly starting to fall out.

The remake of I Need A Hero had started playing. I remember when this song first came out, I fell in love with it. I choreographed my sister's senior dance and it was probably my favorite piece I've ever done. I had started dancing like I always did, but I kept falling over. It took me four times to get it right. By the time I finished, I figured it was time to go. Once the music stopped, I heard someone clear their throat. I looked up to see Rob leaning against the door.

"Holy shit. You scared me."

"That was amazing, you know. Why didn't you tell me danced?"

"Because I don't," I grabbed one of the water bottles in my bag and finished it's contents then grabbed another.

"And I don't play hockey," I tried getting around him and through the doorway, but he wouldn't let me, "Seriously. You aren't that good if you weren't a dancer at one point."

Sure Feels Right // R. BortuzzoWhere stories live. Discover now