Chapter Three

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Because Borts got to play last night

Last one for a while.

And I mean it this time!


Robert offered to drive to Toronto because his car got better gas mileage.. And after we went to breakfast the other morning, he was scared of my driving. We've been together pretty much the whole time since the game. My friends were getting tired of him, but I was really enjoying it.

Since we had already slept together, there was no rush. He knew it might take me a while to completely open up to a relationship. He wasn't pushing anything just yet, I think he just wanted to spend as much time with me as he could before training camp started.

"Do you really want to stay with your family?" He asked.

"Not really.." I mumbled.

I have a great relationship with my family, better than most college kids. I just didn't really like this whole idea of this wedding. To be honest, I felt like my family would be comparing me to my cousin. She was only a few years older than me so that meant I was the next one in line to get hitched.

I have no problem with getting married at a somewhat young age, but I just turned 21 a few months ago. Yeah, I could date Rob for a couple months and then get engaged like my cousin then have a wedding within four months of being engaged. Or I could graduate from college first and then see what happens from there.

And frankly, I didn't want to have to sleep on the floor.

"Okay, we'll get a room at one of the hotels downtown," He got off the interstate, already knowing his way around.

"How far is Thundar Bay from Toronto?"

"Like 17 or 18 hours," He told me as he pulled under the awning of what looked like a fancy hotel, "I'll be right back."

Robert left his car running and ran inside. I turned on my phone for the first time since we've been in Canada. Calling anyone right now would make me cry the next time I opened my phone bill, so I stuck with recieving messages. There would be a lot less tears.

"Okay, we have a room for tonight and tomorrow."

We walked up to the room together and I threw my bag on the floor. The bed looked so comfortable, I went over to it and curled up in a ball.

"All you do is sleep," Robert laughed at me.

"It's called being a college student. I'm always tired."

"You should really get ready so that we aren't late."

"Yeah. I could get ready. Or I could take a nap and be late," I smiled and pulled Robert down on top of me, hugging his neck.

"I'm trying to impress your family, I don't think they would appreciate us being late."

"Oooo. Someone thinks they're my boyfriend," I joked with him.

"Just go get dressed, damn it."

I grabbed the jeans and shirt I was going to wear out of my bag and paired it with my gladiator sandals. I straightened out the crease the ponytail holder left in my hair and didn't bother with my makeup. I don't think I even brought any.

"Alright, let's go," I shoved a pair of studs through the holes in my ears. If we left now, we would only be a few minutes late.

Robert was always so focused when it came to driving. Sometimes he hummed along to whatever was playing on the stereo, but not very often. I was usually singing my heart out or dancing. Probably not the safest thing to do, but it hadn't caused me to wreck. Yet.

Sure Feels Right // R. BortuzzoWhere stories live. Discover now