Chapter Twenty-Three

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College starts in a week and I'm not physically ready for 18 credits. Growing up sucks.


Right now my favorite part of the house, other than the fact I was living in it with Robert and our comfortable bed, was the speaker system that went through the house. Our living room wasn't completely furnished, neither were many of the rooms but we had a sick sound system. It pretty much gave me the power to make my music heard in almost every room of the house.

Robert went out to lunch with his team so I was making myself something to eat and blasting Emblem3 throughout the house. I danced to Girl Next Door as I sang along.

"Now I'm at your door. Knock, knock, knock. Now we're on the floor, you on top, top, top."

"I thought she was a dancer. She looks like an idiot."

"Yeah, but she's my idiot."

I spun around dramatically to see Robert, Beau, Jayson, and Olli staring at me, trying not to laugh. It was then I realized that I was wearing a sports bra and a pair of really small shorts.

"We can be one body, come on let's rock, rock, rock." I started dancing again, not caring what the four guys standing in front of me thought. The song changed and I stopped when I realized what song it was, "I've always had a thing for girls that dance, when they get a little tipsy."

Robert smiled and shook his head, "And it sure feels right."

"You should really keep your day job, Scarlett."

"She sings better than Drew does." Robert defended me, but I wasn't planning on giving up my career just yet.

"Yeah that's not hard." Beau started laughing.

"Dude I'm hungry." Jay spoke up.

"I thought you were going out to eat." I sat down at the table, starting to eat the chicken I had made.

"Yeah we were, Jay didn't want to though." The three hockey players I was not engaged to sat down at the table with me and Robert leaned against the counter.

"Where's Drew?"

"She's having some Penguins moms bonding time." Ahh. I really could wait to be a part of that. I'll keep my personal bonding with a glass of wine.

"You know, I'm a little hungry too." Olli admitted. His accent was really cute, I had to admit. I cut off a piece of chicken and ate it as Jay and Olli stared at me.

"Oh. This is so good."

Robert slapped the back of my head, "Stop being mean."

"Make me." I shoved another piece of dead bird in my mouth.

"I can't in front of them."

"Gross." Beau complained, "Now that image is burned into my mind."

"You're such a child." I rolled my eyes and got up to put my plate in the dishwasher. That chicken was gone faster than I wanted it to be. I must admit, I am a damn good cook.

"Hey babe," Robert said. He got a little upset when I didn't answer. "Scarlett."

"Yo." I spun around, only to see my fiance sitting in my chair.

"Will you make lunch?"

"Yeah. Sure. Why not. Scarlett doesn't have a life so why not make lunch for her future husband and his annoying teammates?" I walked into the pantry, still complaining about having to cook for these four people that are probably going to eat everything in my house which is going to be a real problem.

Sure Feels Right // R. BortuzzoWhere stories live. Discover now