Chapter Sixteen

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I checked my suitcase and rechecked it again, hoping I didn't miss anything. I don't know how I could. I think half my closet was in this thing.

"My whole body freaking hurts." I sat down on the bed next to my suitcase, falling backwards.

"We don't get to Mexico until kind of late, but you can sleep as much as you want when we do."

I nodded but didn't feel any better about the situation. I shouldn't be hurting. It only meant I was getting sick.

We weren't even in the hotel five minutes before I was in the bathroom, losing all the airport food I had eaten today. Our first vacation together and I was sick. This is awesome.

Robert sat down on the edge of the tub and rubbed my back. I slowly got up to get my toothbrush and wash out my mouth. Since I wouldn't be eating anything, I didn't exactly want to taste of stomach acid in my mouth.

I stripped out of my jeans and t-shirt and put on a pair of shorts before crawling into bed. I was freezing, but somehow still sweating. Robert turned on the air conditioning and slid in next to me.

"I'm sorry I'm ruining our vacation." I grabbed one of the pillows from beneath Robert's head, leaving him with one. He smiled and pulled me closer.

"You aren't ruining anything. It's the second part that I don't want you to miss so you're going to rest until we get back to the states."

I spent the first few days in bed, not eating. I tried to tell him to go do whatever he wanted but the only time he left was to get food or go for a run.

Two days before we were going to leave, I was finally starting to feel better. I got up to shower just as he was getting out of the bathroom.

He had a towel sitting low on his waist and smirked once he realized I was staring at his bare chest.

"I uhh.. I'm going to shower.. Then we can go do whatever." I gave him a pathetic smile and almost walked into the doorway.

Just because we were engaged doesn't mean I didn't still get flustered around him. While I was in the shower, I smiled like an idiot. It was amazing that I still felt this way whenever we were together.

I took my time in the shower. The warm water felt good rushing over my body. I debated on shaving my legs but decided against it. I was sure Robert would understand. I was sick. But it's not like I shaved when I was completely healthy anyway.

I quickly combed through my hair before brushing my teeth and grabbing a maxi dress out of my suitcase and slipping it on.

Deciding against makeup today, I put on the big sun hat I brought and turned to Robert, "Ready?"

We walked hand in hand down the boardwalk, going in the little shops. Laughing at some of the tourists. I had stopped in front of an ice cream shop, but Robert kept moving forward. I hadn't eaten in almost three days but ice cream sounded so good.

"Are you coming?" He asked from a few feet away.

"I want ice cream." I pointed towards the shop.

"Isn't it a bit early to eat ice cream?" He laughed. I'm sure I sounded ridiculous.

It might be in Mexico, but my stomach was still running on Pittsburgh time and it was happy.

"I want ice cream." I whined. A 22 year old whining about not getting ice cream. I'm sure this was a sight to see. "Fine. I'll get it myself."

I walked in the shop and ordered a cookies and cream waffle cone, Robert wasn't too far behind me. I ate the ice cream as fast as I could because I wasn't sure whether or not it stayed in my stomach.

Sure Feels Right // R. BortuzzoWhere stories live. Discover now