Chapter Thirty-One

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The time at home had flown by. I had been so busy with the final preparations, that I felt like I didn't have time to take a breath or just sit down for a few seconds. The day before the wedding, I was ready to just sleep for a week straight.

"Scarlett, get up. We have to go take pictures." I didn't understand why we needed informal pictures of our wedding party, but apparently my mom wanted them.

"No." I mumbled and rolled away from my fiancé who was sitting on the edge of the bed all ready for the day. "Let me sleep."

"You have two days before the honeymoon to do nothing but sleep and you can take a nap after lunch but you are going to be late to get your hair done." So not true, Robert. He's trying to get me out of bed.

Best thing about being the bride? Everyone waits for you. Pictures can't go on without me. My sister has to wait to do my hair. It's awesome and stressful at the same time.

"Lilly can wait."

"I will lay on you."

"You will not." I protested, hoping he wouldn't.

Robert gave me a few seconds to get up before doing exactly what he said. He sat on top of me, making sure all of his weight was on my back. All 200 and some odd pounds of hockey player on my body was making it hard to breathe.

"Fine I'll get up." I somehow managed to get out. He proceeded to roll off me onto his side of the bed and lay there while I got ready.

My sister was downstairs, waiting with the curling iron already on. I didn't say anything I would regret because she was going to be extremely close to my head with a really hot hair tool. That just didn't seem like a fun time.

We were only five minutes late. Beau was ten. The two of us whispered about how we didn't want to be here. He was in for a reality check, especially since he was marrying Drew. Something about her told me that she was going to be not quite a 'bridezilla' but really uptight and controlling about everything. Luckily, I was not in the wedding but Robert was.

"As much as I'm excited for the wedding, sometimes I wish we would have just gone to city hall and got it over with." Robert started laughing with a half grin on his face, "What?"

He turned his head to look at me, "I'm so glad you said that first."

"It would have been so much easier and cheaper and-"

"But I wouldn't get to see you coming down the isle." He interrupted me. He was staring at the ceiling, probably imagining what I'm going to look like in a little over 24 hours. I as going to reply, but he looked so happy.

It made me feel much better about walking down the aisle tomorrow. There wasn't going to be any cold feet or him not reacting how I want him to.

"Aside from you know, actually getting married to you tomorrow, seeing you is what I'm looking forward to most." By the time he had finished what he was saying, I was asleep. Not a bad way to start a nap, I have to admit.

I woke up hugging a pillow. Apparently Robert didn't need a three hour nap like I did because I found him in the kitchen with my family.

"Hello beautiful," he kissed my temple as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes.

"How are you still tired?" My aunt Cheryl asked.

"Three hours is not enough. I needed four." I wrapped my arm around Robert's waist, cuddling into his side. I would be more social but my family had been here for almost a week and I had already answered all of their questions. Even the ones about children. Apparently everyone wanted us to have children as soon as we possibly could.

Sure Feels Right // R. BortuzzoWhere stories live. Discover now