Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Paul Martin looks like a professor that I'd have a major crush on.


The next morning sadness turned into anger. Normally, I didn't care if he called me a bitch. I know I am. But it was the way he said it. He was saying that to hurt me. But why? Was I really bothering him that much?

I woke up before Robert, so I quietly went to our room and changed into some warmer clothes before going on a run. It had been a while since I did something other than dance as a workout and naturally, I wanted to get my mind off everything that had happened the night before, so I ran pretty hard.

I went as far and as hard as I could before I puked. There was nothing in my stomach besides some water and stomach acid, making me dry heave on the side of the road until my body was sure that nothing else would come out.

I walked a few steps with my hands on my hips before sitting down on the curb. I rested my head on my knees, trying to breathe as even as possible.

"Fuck." I cried. Soon, there were tears streaming down my face. I wanted to know what I did that made him that mad.

When I got back to the house, Robert had already gone to practice. I showered and went to the library where I would spend most of my time that day.

Then the time came when I reluctantly left my table and slowly made my way to Console Energy Center. I bought a beer - actually, I bought two - before heading up to the girlfriends suite to meet Drew.

"Scarlett!" She turned around and saw the look on my face, "Oh no."

"What?" The girl next to her turned around to see what she was talking about. I didn't know who she was, she must be new.

"What's wrong?" Drew asked, motioning towards the two drinks I had in my hands.

"Robert's pissed for some reason and went off on me last night so I slept in the guest bedroom with Stanley. Ran so hard I puked. Haven't talked to him and he hasn't tried to apologize at all. I do not want to be here." I rambled. "He called me a bitch. Not like he normally does. Like he was being a complete dick about it."

I sat down next to the new girl and kept talking to myself. "I'm Scarlett, Bortuzzo's fiancée. I'm a bitch so don't take it personally."

"I'm Megan. Jay's girlfriend." She looked so sweet and innocent, couldn't have been older than 20.


"Pre-med at Duquesne."

"Wow. Girl's got some dreams. We might just get along." I brought the bottle up to my lips, savoring the taste of the drink. I'm sure those mountains wouldn't be blue for much longer.

"Why are you here if you're pissed at Rob?"

"Just because you could wring someone's neck, doesn't mean you stop loving or supporting them." I told her as I watched my fiancé warm up. He seemed every bit as frustrated as I did. Hopefully he takes it out on some guy. "I'm really sorry if this offends you, but what exactly is your age?"


"You're too quiet for this. You and Drew are going to be best friends, I can tell."

Megan turned to Miller, "Is she always this straight forward?"

"I'm afraid so," she sympathetically told her as she bounced her little boy on her knee.

"He's such a fucking asshole," I mumbled as I raided the food table. "I want some tacos. Tacos sound good. Do they have tacos? No. Of course they don't."

Sure Feels Right // R. BortuzzoWhere stories live. Discover now