Chapter Five

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OHMYGOSH. Yeah. Wow.


It took almost a month before Rob could convince me to go to a game. He had been getting scratched so I didn't really want to go to one he wasn't playing in when I could watch it from home.

"Ever been to an NHL game before, Scarlett?" One of the guys I met at the baseball game asked.

"Yeah. My parents are Canucks season ticket holders. I grew up going to their games," I awkwardly played with the jersey Rob gave me to wear tonight, "First Penguins game tonight, though."

"First time meeting most of the guys, too?"

"Yeah, other than the few at the baseball game."

I don't know why I was so intimidated by everyone here, but meeting his team was a big step. I picked at my nails for a while before Robert came to find me. A few of the others joined us and Robert grabbed my hand when he realized that I wasn't talking very much.

"Why are you so shy?" He leaned down to whisper in my ear.

"I'm not good with meeting people. Especially since they're all professionally athletes."

"You told Crosby that your ex-boyfriend had a boner for him.. I think you'll be okay. They're really just kids in a man's body. They'd be crazy not to like you."

A couple of the guys came up to talk to me and for the most part, they were pretty nice. My 5'4 frame had nothing on them, though. You would think I would be used to that, spending so much time with Rob and all, but they were still intimidating.

I stuck around until he had to get ready, then I went to find my seats. He managed to get me just a few seats away from the bench, right on the glass. Right before the game started, I got myself a beer. It didn't seem like I was by the other girlfriends, but I guess Rob thought meeting the team was good enough for one night.

Which is completely true.

Halfway through the second, the Penguins were down by one against the Bruins. The whole game was pretty rough, but that wasn't surprising. I was reading a text from my mother when I heard something about a fight. I looked up and sure enough Rob had dropped his gloves. Neither of them had thrown a punch yet, but I knew it was coming soon.

"Kick his ass baby!" As much as I was worried about Rob getting injured, I had faith that he would do just fine. He left the ice bleeding. He was going to have a sick black eye within the next few days.

I heard a couple of the guys behind me laughing and commenting on how I was reacting. I tried holding my tongue, but I couldn't resist.

"I'm sorry, were you saying something?"

"Puck bunnies are just funny."

"I have a couple questions for you," They looked at each other and agreed to answer, "Am I a puck bunny even though I played hockey up in Vancouver until I was 13? Or is it because I somehow got the attention of one NHL player?"

They all looked at me speechless, "But you know what, I'm guessing you all watch the Victoria's Secret Fashion show because you need new bras, right? That's what I thought. Assholes."

By the time I had finished yelling at them, Robert was back on the bench. I caught his eye and he shook his head. I threw my hands up and shrugged. It happens, right?

I waited outside the locker room after the game. My sister had called me, but I told her I'd call her tomorrow when I wasn't in a loud arena. I ended up sitting against the wall since it took almost forty five minutes.

Sure Feels Right // R. BortuzzoWhere stories live. Discover now