Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Drew had pretty much taken Jay's girl under her wing. I wasn't really surprised. Jay and Drew were really good friends and she was, well, a really good person. This just wasn't my thing. Megan was a nice girl and everything but all the things I want to do, she was to young for. Or too not-my-fiancé for.

"Drew's kind of a slut when it comes to this team." I casually told Megan as I ate my chicken. The look on the future Mrs. Bennett was priceless.

"I am not!" She protested.

"How many guys on the team have you kissed?"

"Five." Drew admitted.

"It's a joke, Miller. Calm down. I honestly would have slept with them all, but hey. That's just me." I shrugged. I mean, if I didn't know they were hockey players I would. They're an attractive group of guys, but I still wasn't a fan of any hockey player in that way unless his name was Robert Bortuzzo and I woke up to him every morning. "Megan, you know you can talk, right? I'll try not to be too sarcastic."

"Sorry, you guys just seem to have a lot to talk about."

"How long have you and Jayson been together?" Drew asked.

"Uhh.. Almost seven months."

"Wow. Rob and Scar were engaged at that point."

I shrugged, it didn't bother me that we got engaged somewhat soon, "And you were running away from your somewhat faithful boyfriend... I much prefer being engaged." Okay. That was a bit harsh on my part.

"Thanks, Scar."

"Don't worry about it." I squeezed a piece of lemon into my tea and mixed it in. "Do you ever feel like something is off but you can't tell what? Or like, something bad is going to happen and you just want to sleep so you don't find out what it is?"

"Are you sure you don't just have anxiety?" I really didn't want to be a bitch to Megan, but she's kind of a know it all.

"I'm in grad school to become a psychologist. I think I would know if I had anxiety." I took a drink of my tea, actually finishing it off. Hopefully the waitress would come back to give me more soon. It was keeping me sane. "I don't know. Something's definitely off and I don't know what it is."

After lunch, Drew needed help with a few of the wives association things because she decided after 200 cupcakes, she needed to be more active with them, so she brought us back to her place. Given that Drew didn't have school to worry about, she was able to decorate their house. No expense was spared, either. I feel like Beau just gave her his credit card and helped move everything while she told him what to do. Poor kid can barely dress himself, let alone furnish a house like this.

"First things first," She got out a stack of papers. Goodness. She really needs a life. Maybe she should give Hudson a little sibling. Hopefully another little boy.

"I'm the realist." Megan tried so hard to hide her smile, Drew just gave me a dirty look.

She sighed, not happy with me. "You're not black, Scar."

"Neither is Iggy.."

Right on cue, Robert and Beau walked in with Hudson. I'm so glad I'll be getting out of this. I know it's horrible to not want to be a part of the girlfriends thing but I just don't do well getting to know other girls.

"Scar, we have to go." Rob stayed by the door, leaving it open.

"Awesome. Bye Drew." I grabbed my coat and was out the door before she could protest. "Where are we going?"

"To the zoo."

I gave him a funny look, wondering what we would be doing at the zoo other than you know, look at animals. "Okay."

Sure Feels Right // R. BortuzzoWhere stories live. Discover now