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Zeee: so

Zeee: Ryan

Zeee: Brendon

Zeee: did you guys actually fuck

Ryro: no

Zeee: oh

Brendick: we watched Disney movies and made his dad order us pizza

Zeee: where was the pizza from

Ryro: Chicago Fire

Zeee: ...isn't that in San Francisco

Brendick: yeah

Ryro: its good pizza

Zeee: well yeah but

Zeee: we live in las Vegas

Brendick: and?

Zeee: it would take forever to actually get the pizza

Ryro: ..and?

Zeee: you know what

Zeee: there's no point in what I'm saying

Zeee: you already got the fucking pizza

Brendick: exactly

Ryro: and it was some damn good pizza

Brendick: Ryan what time is it

Ryro: you're literally on your phone you can just look at the top of the screen and you'll know

Brendick: that sounds like a lot of work that I'm too tired to do

Ryro: well maybe if you went to sleep last night instead of staying up to watch The Princess Bride you wouldn't be so tired


Zeee: and wait I thought you were watching Disney movies

Ryro: we were but then my dad was like "we have the princess bride if you gays want to watch that"

Ryro: and Brendon was all like "YES YES YES"

Ryro: and I was too tired to make any objection

Brendick: and then you fell asleep in my lap and you looked so adorable so I started playing with your hair


Ryro: yeah and then you pulled a piece out and woke me up you dick


Ryro: UH HUH

Zeee: wait Ryan did your dad actually call you gays or was that a typo

Brendick: no he actually called us gays

Ryro: and then he was like "Oops, meant to say guys... Well I guess its the same thing in your case"

Zeee: I love your dad

Ryro: same

@ people who skip stairs
We get it,  you're tall

I hate how much effort I put into a fucking health diagram

I spent 2 fucking hours on thisAnd it doesn't even look that good

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I spent 2 fucking hours on this
And it doesn't even look that good

On another note,  last night I listened to Lonely Moonlight for the first time since like June and I cried for like 2 hours straight

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