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Brendick: I just remembered something that happened when I was like six

Brendick: that really proves that my brothers are dick heads

Brendick: and my sisters too I guess

Ryro: you know

Ryro: going off of some of the stories I've heard

Ryro: most of your family members are dicks

Brendick: honestly yeah

Brendick: but anyways

Brendick: I was six

Brendick: maybe seven I don't really remember

Brendick: and it was like two nights before Halloween

Brendick: and Matt and Mason were in my room before I went to bed cause my parents were out and they had to make sure I actually went to sleep

Brendick: cause I was a rebellious little shit and would wait for my mom to leave my room and then I'd get up to play with whatever the fuck

Brendick: and I told them that I really wanted to go to a haunted house on Halloween cause I was never allowed to before and I thought I was finally old enough

Brendick: and Matt just sits down on my bed, looks right in my eyes and says

Brendick: "why do we have to go to a different one? What's wrong with ours?"

Brendick: and my idiotic self was terrified by this bastard

Brendick: so I ran to Kara and Kylas room and asked them if we lived in a haunted house

Brendick: and the little bitches went along with it

Brendick: I think Kyla said something like "of course its true, why would he lie to you? Our house was built over a grave yard"

Brendick: and I didn't sleep again for like two months

Ryro: brendon

Ryro: you were a fucking idiot oh my god

Brendick: wow thanks

Ryro: but the not sleeping for two months explains why you're so fucking energized when you only get like two hours of sleep

Brendick: huh

Brendick: I guess it does

Ryro: wait a minute

Ryro: they didn't even tell you anything that was actually scary

Ryro: like they didn't say the people buried under your house were gonna kill you or anything

Ryro: they just said they were there

Brendick: I know

Brendick: I was fucking dumb

Ryro: was ?

Ryro: honey you still are

Brendick: oh fuck off


We're finally back to the good ol' days of having pretty much nothing ready to uploadI was wondering when this day would come after my writing spree of like 40 chapters over Christmas break

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We're finally back to the good ol' days of having pretty much nothing ready to upload
I was wondering when this day would come after my writing spree of like 40 chapters over Christmas break

Heyo so Not_RyanRoss (aka my wife)  nominated this in the fanficition awards ???
So like if any of y'all also want to, which if you don't that's totally fine cause I know this is a steaming pile of garbage, you can at thefanfictionawards
I feel really awkward now wow
I'm not good at self promo shit
Idk why it just makes me feel weird and lowkey shitty

You know that feeling when you laugh so hard your chest hurts and you like can't breathe at all, there's no sound coming out of your mouth and you lowkey look like a dying seal
I fucking love that
So now y'all get to hear about how that happened last night

So I went to Daniels house to "watch the superbowl"
And by that I mean we sat on his living room floor playing board games, eating pizza rolls and oreos, and listening to Fever on repeat while we waited for commercials
So he was telling me about this show he's watching and how he's waiting for the new episode so he can find out if the main character was killed or if he died in a fire or something

His exact words were (or at least close to exact) "They want us to think he died in a fire caused by something he was cooking in a crock pot, but I'm pretty sure he was actually murdered. So in the new episode I'm gonna find out if he died in the fire or"
He stopped there for a second to think and me being me took it as an opportunity to say "Or in the crock pot"

We were on like a sugar high or something cause we ate two packs of oreos (we're bottomless pits ok shut up) so this fucking set us off on like a ten minute laughing spree
I think his mom thought we were possessed she had such a scared look on her face
But like she walked in near the end of it when we could hardly breathe and there was no sounds actually coming out of our mouths soo

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