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Brendick: Ryyyyyyyyaaaaaaaannnnn

Ryro: sorry I'm asleep

Brendick: oh

Brendick: sorry

Brendick: good night

Ryro: well now I'm up so what the fuck do you want

Brendick: wow rude

Ryro: sorry

Ryro: you've awoken me from my slumber, so my dear prince, what may I do for you

Brendick: better

Brendick: I'm lonely

Brendick: help me

Ryro: why should I

Brendick: cause I'm your boyfriend and you love me

Ryro: says who

Brendick: says you

Ryro: true

Ryro: what do you want me to do about it

Brendick: well you see

Ryro: are you outside my house

Brendick: ...yeah...

Ryro: what would you have done if I didn't wake up

Brendick: climb to your window and wake you up

Ryro: yeah cause your so good at climbing

Ryro: Mr. Fell off five times trying to get in while I was sick

Brendick: shut up

Brendick: come open the door

Ryro: nah

Ryro: I don't really feel like it

Brendick: I will knock and wake up your dad

Ryro: bitch you won't

Brendick: I'm gonna do it

Ryro: go ahead

Brendick: IM DOING IT

Brendick: ...why didn't you tell me he was already up

Ryro: cause I thought it'd be funnier to get to hear him slam the door in your face

Brendick: wow

Brendick: what happened to your dad loving me

Ryro: you showed up randomly at three in the morning every day for a week

Brendick: huh

Brendick: yeah that makes sense

Ryro: no it makes dollars

Brendick: ..... .

Brendick: I'm glad he slammed the door in my face

Ryro: wow

Ryro: rude

Brendick: rudes the name

Brendick: getting fuckeds the game

Ryro: I

Ryro: I want a divorce

Brendick: I won't sign the papers

Ryro: wow

Ryro: dick

Brendick: is what i suck

Ryro: IM

Ryro: I'm going back to sleep

Brendick: have wet dreams about me ;)

Ryro: I hate you

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