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Brendick: hey Ry

Brendick: you know what the sun is

Ryro: a star

Ryro: a giant ball of gas

Ryro: slowly killing us

Brendick: no to all of those things

Brendick: the sun

Brendick: is

Brendick: lit

Ryro: I hate

Ryro: absolutely everything

Brendick: the moon is also lit

Brendick: just much less so

Ryro: well actually

Brendick: oh boy

Ryro: the moon doesn't give off any light of its own

Ryro: it just reflects sunlight

Ryro: so the moon isn't lit at all

Ryro: the sun is just mega lit

Brendick: neeerrrrddd

Ryro: ,, its basic science

Ryro: of you paid the slightest amount of attention in a middle school science class you'd know that

Brendick: honey

Brendick: we didn't go to the same middle school

Brendick: I don't think you realize how shitty my school was

Brendick: you literally only had to pay $100 to get into it

Brendick: then $50 more for the piece of shit laptop they gave you

Ryro: damn

Ryro: wish I went there

Ryro: then maybe my dad wouldn't have wasted like thousands of dollars trying to get me a good education

Brendick: then you wouldve met me sooner too

Ryro: hm

Ryro: maybe not the exact school

Ryro: just one similar to it

Brendick: wow

Brendick: why don't you love me

Ryro: lol that's what I say to myself every morning

Brendick: ,, what

Ryro: "why don't I love myself"

Brendick: o h

Brendick: g o o d n e s s

Brendick: do you want a hug

Ryro: lowkey

Brendick: you should uuuhhh

Brendick: come to my house

Ryro: k

Brendick: don't you k me

Brendick: bitch

Ryro: k

Brendick: k uh fuck off

Ryro: nope

Ryro: :)

Brendick: 🖕

I had a dream last night where i googled something, I don't know what, probably something for science homework, and all that showed up in the search results were the lyrics to the icarly theme song
And like it didn't show up like it would if you googled the lyrics to a song in the google play music thing, there were links and descriptions of the sites, but every word was replaced with the next lyric of the theme song

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