Brendick: you know what's really stressful

Ryro: living

Brendick: ok but that's actually exactly what I was gonna say so can you get the fuck out

Brendick: you're stealing my thunder

Ryro: honey please

Ryro: you never had any thunder to steal

Brendick: rude

Ryro: you know I'm right tho

Brendick: well yeah but like

Brendick: still rude

Brendick: I want a divorce

Ryro: no you don't

Brendick: shit you're right

Ryro: heeeeyyy breeenndooon

Brendick: heeeyyyy whaaatttt

Ryro: do you  remember the periodic table song

Brendick: are you asking me if I remember the lyrics or if I remember what it is

Ryro: well obviously you remember what it is so we'll go with the first option

Brendick: I

Brendick: sadly I kinda do

Brendick: I passed chemistry because of that song man

Ryro: if you count a D- as passing sure

Brendick: shut up

Ryro: name 5 elements bitch

Brendick: there's hydrogen and helium and lithium, berylium, boron, carbon everywhere, nitrogen all through the air

Ryro: ,,,did you Google that or do you remember

Brendick: come on the beginning is like iconic

Brendick: but I probably remember the entire damn thing

Brendick: id just have to think really hard

Ryro: what

Ryro: who does that these days

Brendick: I don't know

Brendick: certainly not me

Ryro: I mean

Ryro: that's obvious tho

Brendick: you know what

Brendick: why do you bully me so much

Ryro: because fuck you

Ryro: free will my dude

Brendick: this is an abusive relationship 😭😭😭😭

Ryro: its not right now but it will be if you keep using those damn emojis

Ryro: we've been over this hundreds of times

Ryro: stop it

Brendick: is that a threat

Ryro: your ass is a threat

Brendick: ok but my ass is fine as all hell sooo

Ryro: true

Brendick: rounder than the earth

Ryro: the earth is flat

Brendick: god dammit please tell me youre joking

Ryro: :)

Brendick: ok so you're not a flat earther, but are you a moon truther

Ryro: you believe in the moon?

Ryro: its all government lies bren

Brendick: ok

Brendick: I can't do this right now

Brendick Urie has left the chat

So yesterday I was listening to Destroya right and one of lyrics made me think of this

====So yesterday I was listening to Destroya right and one of lyrics made me think of this

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I feel like this is getting boring and repetitive and I'm really sorry if it is

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