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Ryro: just out of curiosity

Brendick: jesus christ

Ryro: ok why do y'all always act like that when I say that

Brendick: cause every time you  start a sentence with "just out of curiosity" its gonna be some weird shit

Ryro: not true

Brendick: true

Ryro: nope

Brendick: prove it

Brendick: what were you gonna ask

Ryro: ,,, I don't want to now

Brendick: cause it was some weird shit

Ryro: nO

Brendick: ok sure

Brendick: but now im lowkey curious so like can you tell me

Ryro: ,,,what would your reaction to being stabbed with a sword be

Brendick: ...

Brendick: I'd probably like look whoever stabbed me right in the eye and be like "are you gonna want this back ooor"

Ryro: what the fuck

Brendick: ¯\_(ツ)_/ ¯

Zeee: ok but why specifically a sword

Zeee: why not just a regular knife

Ryro: cause that's boring

Zeee: oh so getting stabbed with something fancy makes the attempt at murder fucking exciting

Ryro: yeah

Zeee: well damn then alright

Brendick: well I mean no one said it was a fancy sword

Brendick: it could be a shitty wooden sword

Ryro: it could be a fucking Minecraft sword you don't know

Zeee: I really hope its not a Minecraft sword

Zeee: that would bring me back to my cringy days as a twelve year old

Zeee: I spent so much time playing Minecraft oh my god

Zeee: like it would probably all add up to at least three years

Brendick: rookie numbers

Brendick: I have at least 12

Brendick: centuries

Ryro: weak

Ryro: I have fifty millenniums

Brendick: Ry I don't think that's possible

Ryro: I did the math honey

Ryro: I'm right

Brendick: ok but when have you ever been good at math

Ryro: I've been doing it  for twenty five years

Ryro: I think I know how to do it right

Zeee: Ryan

Zeee: sweetie

Zeee: you're only 18

Ryro: shit you're right

Ryro: so maybe I'm not good at math

Brendick: yeah just maybe

Ryro: oh fuck off

Ok so why is it a thing in so much Christmas music to have like a children's choir in the background or as the main vocals like that shit isn't festive its just creepy and gives me nightmares

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