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Ryro: what would you do if we got married and the day after we did I adopted 20 dogs

Brendick: I'd adopt 21 more to prove that I love dogs more

Ryro: ok

Ryro: but what if then I went out and got 22 more

Brendick: shit I'd just keep going until we had 100 dogs

Ryro: why stop there

Ryro: why not 200

Ryro: 300

Ryro: 1000

Brendick: Ry I think we'd end up spending all of our money on dog food instead of basic shit

Ryro: not if we both work ten jobs

Brendick: dude

Brendick: I can't even get one job

Ryro: same

Brendick: I'm gonna live with my parents forever

Ryro: what if they make you pay them rent

Brendick: I won't let them

Brendick: oh my god

Brendick: I'm a freeloader

Ryro: yeah

Ryro: how have you just now realized this

Brendick: first of all, fuck off

Brendick: second of all, why do I imagine that if you actually said that it would be in a really bad British accent

Ryro: probably because my natural voice lowkey does sound like a really bad British accent

Brendick: no? it? doesn't?

Ryro: yes it does have you not heard me talk

Brendick: well to be fair you're really quiet most of the time

Ryro: I am not

Ryro: only when I'm in a bad mood

Brendick: which happens to be most of the time

Ryro: ok

Brendick: don't try to deny it

Ryro: I wasn't going to

Ryro: I was going to agree but now I don't want to

Ryro: so fuck you

Brendick: love you too babe

A few days ago my dad complained that I wasn't talking to him enough or as much as I used to
So I realized that it was upsetting him so I thought that I'd try to talk to him more because it wasn't something I was doing intentionally, I've just been busy
So last night at dinner I try to just make some random conversation, telling him that me and some friends went laser tagging
I didn't even get like half way through a sentence and he cut me off by asking my brother how his day was
Now my brother doesn't answer right away cause I was talking and told me to continue, but nooo, that's not gonna fly with my dad
He fucking says "Can you stop? I don't want to hear about your day. Its the same all the time. 'I binged Riverdale today' or whatever the fuck show youre on now. At least your brother has something interesting to say."
And what did my brother have to say, you may ask
"I started my eigth game of halo reach today"

And then later last night I heard my mom talking to him and she's just like "Maybe she doesn't talk to you anymore because she hates you. You are kind of a dick, you know"
Smell that?
Its a divorce coming soon
She's right tho he is a dick

I just realized that I rant on here a lot oops

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