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Ryro: ugh

Brendick: same

Ryro: I thought my sickness went away but it turns out it just decided to give me a one day break

Brendick: sucks to be you

Ryro: wow

Ryro: Brendon this is a serious problem

Ryro: I can't breath through my nose but I can't through my mouth either cause my breath is so bad all the mints in the world can't save it

Brendick: who needs air anyways

Brendick: its over rated

Ryro: I can't eat anything either

Ryro: I'm gonna either starve to death, dehydrate, or pass out

Brendick: please don't die

Brendick: is your dad letting you stay home

Ryro: yeah

Brendick: is he staying there with you

Ryro: he has to work

Brendick: good

Brendick: I'll skip school and come stay with you

Ryro: you don't have to do that

Brendick: yes I do

Brendick: my baby Ry needs taken care of

Ryro: you make it sound like I'm a helpless child

Brendick: you are in this case

Brendick: now I'm coming to your house

Ryro: your parents will be mad at you

Brendick: I don't care

Brendick: I'm almost there unlock the door

Ryro: I don't wanna get out of bed

Brendick: lazy fuck

Ryro: just come through my window its open

Brendick: why is your window open its almost december

Ryro: I was hot

Ryro: but now I'm really cold

Ryro: and I still don't want to get up

Ryro: and what the fuck was that sound

Brendick: I may or may not have fallen trying to climb up to your window

Ryro: are you ok?????

Brendick: eh

Brendick: references

Brendick: Im not okay (I promise)

Ryro: I'm gonna push you off of the fucking window once you get back up here

Brendick: you won't

Ryro: how do you know

Brendick: cause you'd have to get out of bed

Ryro: ........

Ryro: tru

One of the kids in drumline wrote his own cadence and the director agreed to let us play it

====One of the kids in drumline wrote his own cadence and the director agreed to let us play it

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I feel bad for the snares though cause what the actual hell is  this

I feel bad for the snares though cause what the actual hell is  this

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Why do you do this to my heart Frank

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Why do you do this to my heart Frank

I'm off school today fUCK YES

Im so happy,  I had an algebra test today that I didn't study for

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Im so happy,  I had an algebra test today that I didn't study for

,,,why do I even bother covering up the name of the school, Ive given my location out so many times already
At this point I'm just waiting for someone to come kill me tbh

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