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Ryro: is Z still here

Zeee: maybe

Ryro: Z send help

Zeee: what did you do

Ryro: the rat is asleep in my lap and I'm really hungry but I can't get up

Ryro: and my dad like just left for work so I can't force him to get me food

Zeee: I love how you're at a point in your relationship where you just refer to Brendon as "the rat"

Ryro: well he is

Zeee: well you know Ry I'd love to help you but I really don't feel like it

Ryro: wow

Zeee: but you know who I'm sure will help

Spence Smith was added to the chat by Zeee Beeee

Spence: oh no

Spence: why am I back here

Spence: dealing with you morons at school is enough

Zeee: Ryan needs help

Spence: what did he do now

Ryro: there's a rat asleep on my lap and I need food

Spence: I'm guessing the rat is Brendon

Ryro: yup

Spence: push him off of you on to the floor and then get some food

Ryro: but that'll hurt him

Spence: so

Ryro: I don't wanna hurt him

Spence: then you'll starve

Ryro: noooo

Ryro: just order me a pizza or something

Spence: bitch I'm broke

Ryro: I'll give you money

Spence: bitch youre broke

Ryro: yeah but my dad isn't

Ryro: and he left his wallet on the counter

Ryro: so you can buy it and then bring it here and then take the money

Spence: do you really trust me to not take like hundreds of dollars

Ryro: if you think my dad just has hundreds of dollars sitting around you're insane

Spence: what if I take his credit card

Spence: it'll be your fault

Ryro: you know what Spencer

Ryro: fuck you

Ryro: I'll just starve

Ryro: and I'll die

Ryro: and it'll be your fault

Spence: you can literally just shake Brendon lightly and he'll wake up


Spence: sounds like a personal problem to me

Ryro: go and fall off a cliff

Spence: rude

Ryro: :)

I can check my brothers grades

====I can check my brothers grades

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Fuck theyre good

Fuck theyre good

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