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Brendick: alright so you know in goldy locks how there were three bears

Ryro: I'm gonna stop you right there cause I don't want to know where this is going

Brendick: no no no just listen

Brendick: its nothing bad I promise

Brendick: well

Brendick: nothing that bad

Ryro: you're probably gonna say some weird shit about them having a threesome or something





Ryro: I'm just saying I wouldn't put it past you

Brendick: I'm gonna fucking jump off a bridge I swear I can't handle you

Brendick: can I just say what I was originally going to

Ryro: go ahead bitch no ones stopping you

Brendick: you were tho

Ryro: whatever just say whatever it is

Brendick: so there's three bears

Brendick: goldy locks tried out three beds

Brendick: but two of them are married

Brendick: shouldn't they sleep in the same bed

Brendick: maybe everything wasn't "just right" after all

Ryro: damn what if mama bear has back problems and needs a different kind of bed but papa bear doesn't like that kind so he sleeps in a different bed

Ryro: why you gotta call them out like that

Ryro: shit probably is just fine

Ryro: it just ain't easy giving birth to a fucking bear so now mama bear has problems and needs a new mattress

Brendick: how would you know what its like giving birth to a bear

Ryro: I mean I don't have first hand experience but I'm assuming its pretty fucking painful

Ryro: like just from seeing what kind of pain women go through giving birth I feel like it would be worse for a bear

Ryro: cause like they don't get pain killers or anything like that

Brendick: why the fuck are we talking about this oh my god

Ryro: I don't know man you brought it up

Brendick: and I regret it

Brendick: a lot

Ryro: I regret being born

Brendick: same

My dad tried to fucking ground me last night cause I made my own damn dinner
What the actual fuck

So my mom and brother we out of state looking at some colleges, and my dad was late getting home from work cause we had some pretty bad snow and the roads were a mess
It was getting to be like 6 and I hadn't had anything to eat so I just made some pasta cause that's like the only thing I can cook. My dad got home like half an hour after I ate and asked me if I wanted dinner, I told him I already ate, and he fucking started yelling at me for being a disrespectful child because I wasn't letting him care for me
So after he was done yelling he told me to go to my room and he'd disscus how long I'd be grounded with my mom when she got home in the morning
Luckily my mom has common sense and shot down the idea of me being grounded at all
I don't get why he was fucking mad tho like be happy I can cook, now you dont have to worry about me starving when I go to college

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