9- Adventure In Auradon.

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outfit: cotillion.

THERE WAS NEXT to no sound coming from Primrose as a silence cast over both the son of Hook and daughter of Pan. Harry had refused within his own mind to back down and Primrose was utterly taken by shock.

They had no moment to speak further as the announcement was made. Trumpets sounded as a rather royal looking fellow called out for 'The Future Lady Mal'. The aprehension painted all over Mal's features was unexpected, she'd never been one to show her negative emotions - just like the rest of the villain kids. It was a sign of weakness.

"Woohoo! Yeah! Mal!" Evie clapped excitedly breaking the casting silence over the ship. Everyone then joined in, watching as Mal (dressed in official Auradon colours) walked down the stairs ready to approach Evie. She was stopped beforehand as Primrose watched the previous King and Queen.

"Here comes the royal Isle visitor..." Harry muttered as the instruments sounded out again. Mal had given Primrose a brief glance before sharing an excited smile with Evie.

"Yeah!" Primrose cheered as a chorus rang out of clapping and yelling. Harry frowned at his counterpart, but Primrose just shrugged. "Have to seem like we belong here- there's a reason you left your precious hook behind isn't there?"

After directing her attention to Harry as he watched in awe at the unfoldings going on around them. Primrose had missed all but the gasps of everyone around and as the red head glanced up she was shocked to see none other than Uma.

Prim couldn't believe her eyes, standing in absolute shock as everyone watched King Ben kiss his ring upon Uma's hand. Mal was distraught and Primrose felt her heart break just a little, nobody deserved this. Even if the pair weren't firm acquaintances.

"It was love... it was." Uma gushed and Primrose felt her fists clenching at her side's. She wasn't a believer of true love- having never experienced it. But even the daughter of Pan knew that this was insane. Disgusting. Wrong.

Nobody spoke for a while as the three dug through a heap of questions. Evie never far from her purple haired friend. As Uma began to dance with Ben, hardly anyone moved a muscle.

"Not too thrilled I risked my life for him." Carlos grumbled loud enough for the King to hear. Primrose stood just to his side- tears holding themselves back in her eyes.

"Did you know?" Primrose whispered, still beyond angry that Uma had done such a thing. In fact, the girl was glad she'd been brought to her senses by Teddy.

"No." Harry gulped, both of their eyes still glued to the new couple as Mal stood almost shell shocked.

Primrose stood in silence, her anger bubbling as she tried to remain calm. She watched as Jay, Evie, Carlos and wonderful Lonnie, began to escort Mal out.

"Don't lie to me Hook," Primrose warned, her voice low as she turned to face the pirate dressed in better than usual attire.

"I-" Harry stuttered, pausing just before anything could fall from his lips. The boy panicked, not wanting to anger Primrose as they were currently on a level playing field. But he also had no idea what lie to tell in order to dig himself out, and he didn't want to use that resource to begin with as Primrose would never forgive him. She was really shaken by this.

"I knew that we we're coming here." Harry sighed, closing his eyes in fear. "But she told me it was to make a peace treaty with Auradon so that we could live peacefully, Isle and Auradon."

"So this, you supposedly coming for the good, coming for me? It's not false like that spell Uma has on Ben?"

Harry shook his head, gently making a bold move to reach out for the girls balled fist. She flinched momentarily but once her shock had gone away she allowed his hand to stay atop hers.

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