Stay Safe - Life Update/Information

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In light of the worlds' situation right now, I just wanted to post a quick message regarding myself, safety and what not.

Please, stay safe, 'wash your hands' and stay home. I wish all my readers the best with regards to the current situation.

I am always here if anyone needs a chat! It's an uncertain time and I myself am struggling.

I'm okay, staying isolated to protect my loved ones in the UK, but I know that some aren't as fortunate. My thoughts go out to all of you regardless of your current position.

My current term in university is suspended, I am still doing some assignments and following online classes, exams are uncertain and I'm full of anxiety right now! But we are all in similar positions and I'm trying to stay calm and positive, wishing Covid-19 away every moment of ever day for the suffering its causing the world.

That being said, to calm myself I recently got Disney+ and have been alternating between that and Netflix in my free time.

I have reignited my will to write and am hoping to use it to pass some time in Lockdown away.

Therefore, the next update to Legacy is 3/4 written and should, be up soon as I work through boredom, worry and assignments.

I hope the continuation of this story will help some of you out right about now, I am excited.

If anyone feels they need to chat about anything right about now, my DM's are open and I'd quite enjoy a little chat to pass some time and what not - everyone is always so wonderful on here.

Sending hugs,

Eli♡ x

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