20- True Love & Trackers.

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MILES BEGAN TO feel uneasy as he and Primrose approached Harry's ship. Knowing he'd broken the Son of Hook's rules the day before battle meant huge consequences, and Sebastian was bound to know Miles had not completed training.

"You're limping." Miles pointed at the daughter of Pan's leg as they made it to the docks.

"N-No..." Primrose breathed, trying to conceal the seering pain running from her healing wound and down her thigh. She needed to fight. She wouldn't back out of this confrontation. Any other? Sure. But not tomorrows.

Uma needed to know the feeling of losing. Primrose was desperate to show her that lesson.

"I wouldn't let Hook see that or you're screwed." Miles swung his arm around the red head as they continued to bypass workers. He had taken away some of the pressure for a moment at least.

Primrose wasn't afraid to admit that she was stubborn as hell. She wouldn't admit her wrongs easily and certainly was not a quitter. She was ready to pull on a brave face and appear fine as soon as they stepped foot on the ship.

"Thanks," She acknowledged her shaggy haired friend. "For this, and also coming with me and practically risking your life."

Miles shrugged his shoulders, pulling a soft smile before he released the girl from his grip as they stepped aboard. A small gathering of the crew were sat at the back of the main deck in a circle, chatting and drinking. Miles glanced at his friend before straightening his bandana and giving her a curt nod as he headed over towards his crew mates. There was no sign of Sebastian and Primrose released a short breath, grateful that he could not scold Miles right now.

Instead the girl looked across the decks for the one face she needed to see. Hook. After witnessing what Uma and her new crew had planned, it shocked her. The thought of being taken as bait to lure Harry into a trap chilled her to her core. A part of her wondered whether she was more of a hindrance to him than a partner in crime? She couldn't bear the thought of him being in danger because of her. They needed to be side by side, she needed him and he her.

After a moment of walking along the edge of the ship, she spotted the infamous dark swoop of hair. He was sat on the quarter deck, hidden by one of the masts from her view previously. The darkness of the evening seemed to envelop around the ship, giving off a strangely calm aura despite the days events and the struggles everyone would come up against once daybreak hit tomorrow.

"Hard at work or hardly working, Hook?" Primrose pulled a soft smile as she sat beside him.

Harry had his hook out in front of his crossed legs, polishing rag lay on his knee. He often stayed alone when he needed to think, Primrose had discovered this as their relationship began to grow. Yet she knew he wasn't planning, for they couldn't plan for Uma so what was he worrying about.

Me. Her subconscious pointed out and she closed her eyes, praying that it wasn't because she had jeopardized his outlook for tomorrow.

"Aye," Harry let out a low chuckle at her words. "Glad to see my girl is feeling ship shape again."

Her heart fluttered at his words, although she was brought crashing back down. The realisation that she wasn't completely ship shape set in, and she hadn't the heart to tell him and be separated.

"Where the bloody hell have you been all day?" The son of Hook asked, after a silence fell between the pair.

Primrose mustered a shrug. "Could ask you the same question. I couldn't find you when I woke earlier."

"I had- duties to tend to." Harry paused as though he didn't know how to approach the subject. Little did the pirate know, his girlfriend had known where he was all day and was praying that he wouldn't lie to her again. Not after withholding the truth about Rory.

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